So many charities are doing incredible work, but almost all are facing real challenges in securing the funds they need—not just to keep going, but to grow. One example is The Shelley Centre for Therapeutic Riding, near Hadleigh, which provides life-changing support for children and adults with disabilities through horse riding. Run entirely by volunteers, the centre costs over £80,000 a year to operate—and those costs are constantly rising. In the latest @Suffolk Money podcast, supported by us at Kingsfleet, Kevin Burch meets the team to hear their story...
Freelance video journalist, film-maker, author, drone operator, media trainer and voice trainer, group or 1-2-1. ITFC season ticket holder. You can see a selection of our films on Youtube at @burchmedia5781
So many charities are doing such brilliant work, but almost all, without exception, are struggling finding the money to, not just continue doing what they’re doing, but to grow. One example is the THE SHELLEY CENTRE FOR THERAPEUTIC RIDING .. based near Hadleigh, which uses horses to help children and adults who have disabilities. Run by volunteers, the centre costs in excess of £80,000 a year to run .. and those costs are climbing all the time. Kevin Burch has been to meet the team for the latest podcast from Suffolk Money .. supported by Kingsfleet. Here’s the link to the podcast - - and here’s a taste of the conversation: