You may or may not know that today is #Worldwetlandsday !
So, it seems like quite a fitting day to share a few photos that I have taken over the past month or so, while in various wetlands across North Wales.
Wetlands offer countless benefits to wildlife, such as shelter, breading opportunities, access to food- it's an environment in which nature can thrive. If you spend a little bit of time in a well established wetland, it soon becomes clear that you are in a place that feels quite wild; a place where nature is taking it's own course. I feel very fortunate that my work takes me into these special places.
It's not just nature that benefits from these wild areas. We can all reap many rewards from being in this kind of natural environment. It's proven that time in nature can relieve symptoms of stress. But not only that; wetlands are a great place to develop an interest in nature. It's a chance for us to observe birds while watching from a discrete hide, or try to identify their calls as they hide amongst the reeds. Nature is so abundant in wetlands that you can't help but become curious.
There are endless reasons for the support of these brilliant wild areas, I didn't even mention the positive impacts that a well-balanced wetland can have on water quality. It's a truly fascinating topic to delve into!
Why not find a local wetland and go have an explore!?
#wetlands #phragmites #constructedwetlands