Another incredible event from Scottish Growth Summit
Specialising in Women’s Wellbeing, Functional Health and Hormone Balancing. Supporting women’s empowerment, vitality and strength in health.
On Wednesday I had the pleasure of spending time with these wonderful women again at the @scottishgrowthsummit accountability session. It’s really hard to explain the genuinely captivating magnetism all of these women hold, and how that has clearly transferred to the other women attending both the Growth Summit and this after event. If you are a woman in business in Scotland you cannot miss out on the value that these events provide. All of the expert topics provide something regardless of your stage of business growth, and even if you’re not looking to grow in business, the personal growth that can still come from the knowledge and skill you are surrounded by is a massive bonus 🚀🌟 Lisa Primrose Gibson Sheila Hogan Alice Thompson Clare Baillie Laura Maginess Heather Offord #scottishwomeninbusiness #growthmindset #personalgrowth