Work with us to reduce and perhaps even eliminate the plastic pollution that you are unknowingly causing!
We have heard about microplastics in our bodies and in placentas but it now seems that microplastics generated during the last few decades have found their way into matter of archaeological interest. Bizarrely, this sounds as if microplastics (and the plastic pollution that causes them) are damaging not only our present and future but also our past! What an omnipresent and omnipotent evil we have unleashed upon ourselves…. I anticipate that microplastics will soon come to be recognised as an existential threat on par with greenhouse gases. In fact, I think that they may pose an even greater threat because carbon dioxide can be captured by various methods but it is impossible to capture microplastics and render them harmless. Some scientists have estimated that getting 99% of plastic out of the oceans would require a budget of 35 times the world GDP! When are we going to take this risk seriously and at least stop any further plastic pollution?