Public Administration International (PAI)

Public Administration International (PAI)

International Trade and Development

Strengthening Governance Worldwide

About us

Welcome to PAI We specialize in management consultancy and development services for the public sector worldwide. We offer advice and support for governments going through political, constitutional, economic and structural change. Our key objectives are promoting good governance and good practice in delivering public services. Our Directors, staff and associates have extensive experience of programmes in public administration internationally, including in Africa, Asia, the Balkans, the Caribbean, Central and Eastern Europe, the Former Soviet Union, Latin America, the Middle East and the Pacific. We have excellent relations across the civil service, local government, parliament, the media, non-government organizations and the private sector. We can resource consultancy projects with experienced public servants and experts in many countries and are familiar with working in partnership with regional and local counterparts.

International Trade and Development
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Good governance, capacity development and training, public administration reform, public finance, policy and strategy, legal and judicial reform, human resource management, information and communications, culture, heritage and tourism, and monitoring and evaluation


Employees at Public Administration International (PAI)


  • Public Administration International (PAI) reposted this

    View profile for EU4GG Albania, graphic

    EU for Good Governance technical assistance at central and local level with a focus on Public Administration Reform, Public Finance Management, and Anti-Corruption

    EU4 Good Governance project expert provided technical assistance to enhance the draft Cross-Sector Strategy on Anticorruption 2024-2030 and its Action Plan 2024-2026. The final Draft Strategy was launched for public consultation and in this framework the project supported the organisation of meetings during 22-25 July 2024 with 4 different target groups. The draft strategy was shared and discussed with all the public and non-public actors including partner institutions, local government, civil society, private sector, academia and media. The feedback and proposals provided were of crucial importance to achieve higher standards of fight against corruption in Albania. EU4GG will continue its support to the implementation and monitoring of the Strategy. Projekti i financuar nga Bashkimi Evropian si asistence teknike për Mirëqeverisjen mbështeti përmirësimin e projekt Strategjisë Ndërsektoriale kundër Korrupsionit 2024-2030 dhe Planit të Veprimit 2024-2026. Kjo strategji u lançua për konsultim publik dhe në këtë kuadër projekti mbështeti organizimin e 4 takimeve me grupe të ndryshme interesi gjatë datave 22-25 korrik 2024. Gjatë këtyre takimeve u ndanë dhe u diskutuan qëllimet kryesore të strategjisë me të gjithë aktorët publik dhe jo-publik si institucione partnere, qeverisja vendore, shoqëria civile, sektori privat, akademikët dhe media. Propozimet e marra kanë një rëndësi shumë të madhe për të arritur standardet më të larta të luftës kundër korrupsionit në Shqipëri. EU4GG do të mbështesë zbatimin dhe monitorimin e kësaj Strategjie. 

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  • Free Webinar on Balancing growing demand with less money: Getting the best from your organisation Thursday 1 August – 13.30 to 14.30 BST Click here to register We live in a challenging time. Conflict, trade disputes and rising national debts all create pressures on how we deliver services. How can we deliver quality services that the public increasingly demands when costs are rising so fast? This webinar sets out strategies and approaches to managing and raising performance while cutting costs. Ideas range from how we can squeeze out more from our current way of working through to how transformational change can generate alternative ways of providing services. The webinar will start by very briefly identifying the threats and opportunities we all face. We will then explore methods of managing and monitoring performance in these circumstances and how we can drive efficiencies. The webinar will cover: · How to analyse the performance of your organisation to identify areas for improvement · Using performance indicators to identify what our organisations do well and where they are falling short · Identifying and delivering financial savings · Transforming the way we work to take advantage of new technology. Our presenter, Dr Phil Gibby, is the Workshop Director for our professional development workshop Managing the Performance of your Organisation which is planned to take place from 7 to 11 October in Dubai and from 2 to 6 December in London. This workshop focuses on performance management at an organisational level. In particular, we explore the challenges created by recent events, examine how performance frameworks can be developed to enable senior managers to evaluate progress towards overall strategic objectives, how to align performance and financial management to deliver value for money, and how to demonstrate value for money to external stakeholders. Phil has in-depth experience in performance management. He is a specialist in evaluating organisational cost-effectiveness and embedding strategic performance frameworks to drive value for money improvements. This has involved working with clients to develop target operating models, the change programme needed to improved performance and the performance frameworks and metrics needed. He is a qualified accountant and former Director of Value for Money in the UK National Audit Office. He has a PhD on the conceptualisation of value for money and provides advice and guidance to a range of central and local government organisations, as well as NGOs.

  • Digital Transformation workshop, London - 11 to 15 November 2024 Over the past decades, digital technologies have been profoundly transforming all sectors of the economy and – even more broadly – whole societies. Despite the commonly held belief that the public sector may be somewhat slow to embrace innovation, many public authorities have digitised both their services and their internal processes. As new technologies keep emerging, nowadays the public sector has the opportunity to innovate further and improve its interaction with businesses and citizens, truly propelling itself onto an era of digital transformation. Digital transformation can radically improve the efficiency of governments, the quality of services for citizens and create the conditions for start-up growth. The opportunity is there – but is generally not yet fully used. The ultimate goal of this workshop is to support public administrations in the adoption of cost-effective and flexible digital solutions and strategies. The workshop will focus on the use and analysis of digital transformation solutions and strategies to transform decision-making and service delivery practices at all levels of government in order to achieve better value and outcomes for citizens and businesses. The workshop is designed for policy makers and decision makers who plan, implement, manage or evaluate the implementation of digital technologies and strategies for transforming the work of public administrations.

    Digital Transformation of Public Services | Public Administration International

    Digital Transformation of Public Services | Public Administration International

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