Human Resources Services

Sex Equality and Equity Network for Human Resource professionals.

About us

We are a group of Human Resources professionals who hold sex realist and gender critical beliefs. We believe it is important to uphold the Equality Act in UK workplaces as it is written and intended. We aim to do this by working with people in a broad range of disciplines in HR and by holding our professional body to account for giving guidance based on what the legislation, including case law, says. We welcome members from public and private sector organisations who work in any of the wide range of disciplines across HR. You can be members of other SEEN groups as well as of SEEN in HR, after all HR people work in all sectors. To ensure privacy, we have a process for welcoming new members and membership is confidential. To get in touch with us about becoming a member contact us at Press queries are also welcome at this email address.

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    It’s been almost a week since this hateful attack on LGB Alliance conference attendees. And what have we heard from the ‘mainstream’ LGBT… organisations? Erm, crickets (sorry!). So many employers are signed up to the Stonewall schemes and advocate for a ‘gender identity’ first approach. Stonewall have failed to make any comment at all about this homophobic attack (despite promoting hate crime awareness week all this week 🤯). Failure to condemn is endorsement of homophobic harassment. If your organisation is involved with Stonewall, it is endorsing this, too, and potentially creating a hostile environment for LGB people whose sexual orientation is based on sex. We stand in solidarity with LGB Alliance. Your existence and work is much needed. #SEEN #HumanResources #BeMoreSEEN

    Suspected trans rights activists disrupt LGBA conference with live crickets

    Suspected trans rights activists disrupt LGBA conference with live crickets

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    Thanks Police SEEN UK for sharing your reflections on this inspection into activism and impartiality in the police. No.5 is particularly interesting, on external trainers - a challenge by no means limited to police forces. Please see their LinkedIn page for a continuation of this analysis below…

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    UK Policing National SEEN network for serving Police Officers & Police Staff

    X thread re HMICFRS report 1. We welcome the report on the inspection into activism and impartiality in policing by HMICFRS and were delighted to be asked to contribute our views to it. Now we’ve had time to digest it, here are our reflections: 2. The report states the legal application of EA2010 is complicated by case law, but in our experience, the actual issue is the lack of training on the case law, and the continual misrepresentation and misunderstanding of the Act. Many forces have the protected characteristics listed incorrectly on procedures, policies and other documents, and many members of UK police forces have never heard of the Forstater or Miller rulings, or even the Public Sector Equality Duty. 3. The inevitable outcome of this, is direct and indirect discrimination against colleagues. Legal claims are in progress in several forces as a result. But this misinterpretation of EA2010 may not be accidental; ideological capture means forces are selective about which legislation they choose to apply, based on their own interpretation of the law. The law requiring same-sex strip- searching was simply ignored during the creation of the recently withdrawn “Searching by Transgender Police Officers and Staff” policy. One force even stated that as a result of the policy being withdrawn, it would “revert to PACE”, as if the law that governs us is optional. PACE is the law. 4. The report refers to forces considering various scenarios in the context of their PSED obligations but fails to mention that other legislation must also be adhered to, such as PACE 1984, HRA 1998, to name just two. It is this misconception that is at the root of the problem in our view. All legislation must be considered when creating policy and making operational decisions, not just whichever one feels the most relevant. We were pleased to read the author’s agreement with the clarity in the former policing minister Chris Philp’s statement, that legislation should change to reflect biological sex as the determining factor in police searching policy. This would be a welcome return to common sense. 5. We agree that Policing requires more training in EA2010 but we have concerns about the external providers likely to be hired by some forces to deliver this. There is a company currently used by several forces that stands out to us as an example, as it looks to all intents and purposes, to be Stonewall version 2.0, complete with medal style awards for participation in its schemes and a policy in which the company commit to “challenging ways of thinking that perpetuate a rigid gender binary”, which breaches PSED. The report mentions deficits in the training of Chief Constables which, alongside the CoP’s issues, goes some way to explaining what has gone wrong.

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    A concerned HR professional contacted us to say they had been approached by this company HeyFlow | Female* reproductive health inclusion at work to provide workplace training. The concern is about the erasure of the word ‘woman’ in the information put out out by this company (the asterisk after ‘female’ tells a story). We know this company is not unique in this regard but actually this is one of the most blatant negations of women’s experiences that we’ve seen for a while. Women are ‘people with internal reproductive health organs’ and ’people who experience reproductive health moments’ (‘moments’ Okaaaaay…). Here’s their ‘inclusion statement’: ‘The mission of HeyFlow is to help businesses understand the impact reproductive health in the workplace can have in contributing to the systemic issues of blocked career progression, accessibility and inclusion, and the gender pay gap. ‘As we specifically look at the internal reproductive health topics of menstruation, fertility, pregnancy & menopause, when we use the term ‘female’, this is purely for accessibility of language (and a little bit of keyword stuffing) rather than an accurate reflection of all women, or all men. ‘As there is currently a lack of trans-inclusive research on reproductive health, even more so on its impact in the workplace, we occasionally use the term ‘women’ when referring to statistics. Although these findings could be extended to all people who experience those reproductive health moments, there will likely be intersectional compounding factors which will affect trans, non-binary and intersex people, so for accuracy we have kept the original terms that were used in those particular studies. As well as insultingly reducing women and their experiences to biological body parts and functions, this language is virtually impenetrable to anyone who is uninitiated in gender ideology, or whose levels of English are poor (remember the recent census turnabout ….). Language needs to be clear both in policies and in practice. Dehumanising women in this way is not ‘inclusive’; it is insulting and it excludes any gender-critical or sex-realist employee who knows that sex is real and matters. #HumanResources #HR #EqualityAct #BeMoreSEEN

    • Screenshot of the HeyFlow website which includes the definition of ‘female’ as ‘people with internal reproductive health organs’.
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    The British Medical Association has reversed its decision to reject the outcomes of the Cass review, instead taking a neutral position while it conducts its own review. The numbers voting were proportionally small when this decision was first made. It’s worth noting that statements supportive of the Cass review were issued by the Royal College of GPs, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges and the Association of Clinical Psychologists. Employers need to be aware of this shift by the BMA, now questioning their own questioning of the review. What messages are your LGBT+ networks, your EDI lead or the external trainers / consultants giving about Cass? #CassReview #SEEN #BeMoreSEEN #HR #HumanResources

    The BMA turns away from rejecting the Cass Report

    The BMA turns away from rejecting the Cass Report

  • SEEN in HR reposted this

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    UK Policing National SEEN network for serving Police Officers & Police Staff

    We are pleased to announce that the Police SEEN UK website is live! Important work on our journey for formal recognition - in support of all colleagues that believe in sex equality and accurate data recording.

    This website is NOT for reporting crime. Please dial 101 or 999 in an emergency.

    This website is NOT for reporting crime. Please dial 101 or 999 in an emergency.

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    Plaid Cymru have admitted discriminating against FILiA, a feminist organisation which supports women and advocates for sex-based rights. The party cancelled FILIA’s stall at their conference on the grounds of the organisation’s stance on sex-based rights. This was in breach of the Equality Act. Naomi Cunningham states: ‘Plaid Cymru’s tight-lipped and grudging concession implies that it thinks “the law as it stands” is unsatisfactory, and it is hoping for a change of law that will enable it to discriminate on grounds of “gender-critical” belief in future. Activists are free to work towards that change if they choose, but meanwhile political parties along with public authorities, service-providers and employers must all comply with the law as it is.’ Well done to FILIA for challenging this and thanks to them for all the work they do to support women and girls nationally and internationally. Read FILIA’s full statement at the link below. #SexNotGender #EqualityAct #discrimination #SexMatters #BeMoreSEEN

    Plaid Cymru Admit Unlawfully Discriminating Against FiLiA — FiLiA

    Plaid Cymru Admit Unlawfully Discriminating Against FiLiA — FiLiA

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    We welcome the news about this ONS data on the population of trans-identified people from the last census being re-classified as unreliable. The question was a mess and incomprehensible by some people, notably those uninitiated in gender ideology and some people whose first language is not English. Organisations similarly need to be careful not to privilege ideology over facts and ask for personal data using simple and clear language and to have a robust rationale for collecting that data. #data #census #ONS #SEEN #BeMoreSEEN #HumanResources #HR

    Official estimate of trans population in England and Wales dropped by ONS

    Official estimate of trans population in England and Wales dropped by ONS

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    An important crowdfunder here for a case against NHS England for refusing to provide single-sex facilities at work (allowing trans-identified males into female only spaces) . This employee is challenging her employer on the basis of indirect discrimination on the basis of sex (women), religion (Islam), philosophical belief (gender critical) and disability (PTSD) for having a policy in place which effectively renders the supposed single-sex toilet, changing room and showering facilities as mixed-sex. She states: This is one of the first cases in England where a court will be asked to decide whether such a trans staff policy is discriminatory against employees with other protected characteristics. There has been no Equality Impact Assessment conducted in relation to the policy. When developing the policy, NHSE did not thoroughly consider the needs of women or the implications of trauma and religion, or the normal and common boundary a female member of staff might assert that she just simply does not want to shower in direct line of sight with a biological male. CIPD what are your reflections on this potential case being brought? The employee is using the Equality Act to challenge the same practice that is advocated in your trans inclusion guidance. Her legal representatives feel she has a case. We agree. #HR #HumanResources #SexNotGender #SEEN #BeMoreSEEN %2C%20NHSE%20effectively,female%2Donly%20by%20excluding%20males

    Protect Single-Sex Facilities at Work

    Protect Single-Sex Facilities at Work

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