Great to see our founder David Gormer featured in The Guardian with his views on flexible working, which has benefited both employee wellbeing and the business itself. At the onset of the pandemic, we opened up flexible working to all team members, demonstrating as David says that “we trust and value them in such difficult times, while also providing them with the opportunity to pursue hobbies and interests and maintain their spirits during the pandemic." Has your business had a similar experience? What have been the biggest challenges? #flexibleworkinghours #employeemanagement #employeehealthandwellness #smallbusiness #remoteoffice
We've been an advocate of flexible working long before COVID or pandemic were part of life. It seems my musings struck a chord as today we've been featured in The Guardian! What are your thoughts on the pros and cons of flexible working, both as a business owner and employee? Do you agree that flexible working benefits employee wellbeing as well as the business itself? #flexibleworkinghours #employeewellbeing #employeewellness #flexibleworking