Echo Winston's Wish pleasure that this partnership is happening! Together, we'll be able to reach more young people who need support with grief and bereavement. 👇 Thank you, Fen and Ally for leading the initiative and to all the young people involved at both charities. A great partnership that will have significant impact in young lives. #charitypartnership #grief #bereavement #youngpeople #youngambassadors #youngpeople
We're pleased to announce we're partnering with Teapot Trust, a mental health charity that provides support and improves the lives of children living with chronic health conditions through art therapy. Together, we will signpost children and young people to both of our services and provide mutual training for staff from each organisation. This will make sure children and young people can access the right support at the right time. Excitingly, young ambassadors and volunteers from Winston’s Wish and Teapot Trust will work together to co-produce a resource aimed at helping children living with chronic illnesses deal with grief and bereavement. We're excited to be partners and look forward to what is to come in the future. 🙌❤️ Swipe through to hear from some of the individuals involved! 👉