The Rambling Psychotherapist

The Rambling Psychotherapist

Wellness and Fitness Services

Leeds, West Yorkshire 59 followers

Supporting people to weave healthy webs of connection in their personal and professional lives.

About us

Supporting people to weave healthy webs of connection in their personal and professional lives through 1-2-1 psychotherapy (online and outdoors), group therapy, training and relational leadership coaching.

Wellness and Fitness Services
Company size
1 employee
Leeds, West Yorkshire


Employees at The Rambling Psychotherapist


  • How much energy do you have tied up in maintaining the statues quo, and does this still serve you?

    View profile for Rachel Surtees, graphic

    Supporting people to navigate personal and professional relational landscapes with skill and ease - therapist, coach and educator.

    It can take an awful lot of energy to maintain the status quo of getting by. It leaves little space for us to grow and flourish, because our energy is nearly all tied up in maintaining old habits and strategies which don't necessarily serve us well any longer. To make space for growth, we have to accept that we need to let go of certain things. The trees demonstrate this beautifully in autumn as they drop the leaves they will no longer be using over the winter in a blaze of glorious colour. The leaves of this year will then become the compost which nourishes the trees roots during the process of next year's growth. Humans can do this too. We need to lose our deadwood in order to grow as well. When we let go of old habits and strategies which no longer serve us, and let the lessons we have learned from them fertilise the growth of something new and more life sustaining, we too get freed up to grow in more interesting ways rather than pumping all our energy into keep things the same. Here's a little journal prompt to help you work out what keeps you stuck in getting by mode: Which of your habits and strategies keep you rooted in the past and no longer serve you well? What can you let go of, and how will the lessons you have learned from this help you to grow something new and more life affirming for yourself? What will be the first step you take towards letting go? 🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂🍁🍂 If you have found yourself stuck in getting by mode for too long now and you are wanting to set up some healthy new habits which will help you grow from the ground up, check out my eight-week programme Take Root

    • image of Rachel Surtees stood under a tree, throwing autumn leaves in the air
  • It is World Mental Health day tomorrow. The Mental Health Foundation have recently published some startling statistics about mental ill health in the work place: 😶 in 2022, mental health was the 5th most common reason given for sickness absence, accounting for 7.9% of occurrences. 😶 Mental ill health is now the most common cause of work-limiting conditions among those aged 44 years and younger. 😶 Over the past decade, the number of workers aged 16–34 years who reported that their mental health limits the type or amount of work they can do has more than quadrupled. 😶 In 2022/23, there were an estimated 875,000 workers suffering from work-related stress, depression or anxiety, resulting in 17.1 million working days lost. This is eye opening stuff for organisations and many are starting to sit up and pay attention as a result. But how can a business have a positive impact on the mental health of its employees, and is it their responsibility? There was a press release published by the Workforce Institute in February last year which concluded that 'managers impact our mental health more than doctors, therapists — and same as spouses'. So many managers don't have any training or support to help them navigate the world of employee relationships well and in a way that helps both the managers and the employees to flourish. This lack of adequate support can often have a very detrimental effect on both the managers and the employees who are in their charge. Relational Leadership Development, and Reflective, Relational Supervision for teams can make all the difference between a team just getting by, and a team thriving. You can find full details of both services on the website If you'd like to have a chat about how either email me at to book in a discovery call. #worldmentalhealthday #leadershipdevelopment #mentalhealthintheworkplace

    • Image of Rachel Surtees wearing a blue dress, delivering a relational leadership development workshop
  • I take my work really seriously, so it's always good to know that I am fully prepared for whatever it might present me with.

    View profile for Rachel Surtees, graphic

    Supporting people to navigate personal and professional relational landscapes with skill and ease - therapist, coach and educator.

    I don't know about you, but I really like that feeling of being able to relax when I know for certain that I am entrusting myself into a safe pair of hands. There are so many people out there offering services and, unless you do a bit of quiet digging, it's not often that you can say with certainty that they have all the right credentials to fully support you when accessing their services. So, I got really excited today when I opened the envelope which contained my first aid certificates. Not only because I get to show you guys that you are in safe hands if something unexpected happens when you are out and about with me, but also I get to relax knowing that I've had a refresher of the things I need to do, should there be an emergency. Fingers crossed I will never need to use these skills, but it's reassuring to know that I can should the need arise. #takemyworkseriously #professional #firstaid

    • image of a hand holding two certificates, one for outdoor first aid and one for first aid at work.
  • Awareness is the starting point for change and development, be that in your career or in your personal life. How do you self-reflect?

    View profile for Rachel Surtees, graphic

    Supporting people to navigate personal and professional relational landscapes with skill and ease - therapist, coach and educator.

    A wise woman I know (Kaye James) put a post out the other day which had me jumping around and shouting yes, this 🔛, precisely this! She said "Your smart meter monitors where you use the most energy - allowing you to make changes in your behaviour where necessary. Your self-awareness does the same - but you need to plug it in!" I absolutely love this analogy. Awareness is the starting point for change, it literally puts a spotlight on the things which are and aren't serving you well. When you grow your self-awareness, you have the opportunity to take more self-aligned steps towards living the life you truly want. The key to this, is engaging in regular self-reflection. You can do this alone, through practices such as journaling, or with support from a professional, such as in therapy or self-development workshops. You don't need to be in crisis in order to reap the rewards of regular self-reflection, it is a potent force for good in all aspects your life. If you would like to find out more about how self-reflection can support you in your personal or professional life, book in a discovery call by emailing me at #change #growth #selfdevelopment #selfimprovement #alignedliving #alignedlife

    • Image of a small black dog, illuminated by a shaft of light, shining through the trees in a garden.
  • It is World Suicide Prevention Day tomorrow. It can be really distressing to learn that someone you care about is having thoughts about ending their life, so suicide and suicidal thoughts have become a really taboo topic in our society. This really needs to change, because it stops people who are struggling from accessing the support that they could really benefit from getting. It sends people who are feeling overwhelmed and under-supported underground, because they don't want the people around them to think less of them, and/or to distress the people they care about. We need to get comfortable talking about this stuff. So, how do you address this? 💚 Learn to spot the signs - people who are feeling suicidal will often: distance themselves or not reply to messages ❕ talk about feeling worthless, hopeless or trapped ❕ not do the things they usually enjoy ❕ find day-to-day tasks difficult ❕ Invite them to talk about it. 💛 Don't be afraid to ask if someone might be having suicidal thoughts. It is far better to be clear in your communication. People who have been suicidal have often said it is a relief to talk about thoughts they are experiencing. Just being there to listen and showing you care can help. 💙 Recognise that someone expressing suicidal ideation is a marker of the level of distress and overwhelm they are feeling, and not a personal statement about how they feel about you and your relationship. It can be really hard to hear that a loved one is feeling this way, but it does not mean they don't care about you. 🧡 Recognise your limits. You can be an empathic listening ear, but professional help is also available. The Samaritans provide a 24 hour call service (call 116 123) where anyone who is struggling can access an empathic ear at any point. If you have real concerns that your friend or loved one is about to take imminent action, you can also call 999 (in the UK, 112 in Ireland) and ask for an ambulance. ❤️ Recognise the impact of this on you, and get support too. The Samaritans can help here as well. Having things out in the open has a huge impact. Don't underestimate it! #suicideprevention

    • infographic which reads - together we'll find the words to speak about suicide
  • We all know that offering support can be truly helpful for others. You can make a big difference in our world by offering time and support to friends and family, volunteering for organizations or donating to charities. As it's International Day of Charity tomorrow however, I thought it would be good to talk about how it helps you too. That warm fuzzy feeling you get from having done a charitable deed is not just some fleeting good vibe of no consequence. Science suggests that there are all sorts of physiological responses that happen in our bodies when we give our time and effort to support others. For want of nothing else, there is research out there which says that when we give, we get a big boost of serotonin (which regulates your mood), dopamine (which gives you a sense of pleasure and motivation) and oxytocin (which creates a sense of connection with others). When we do things for others, it helps us feel more connected in our world, tunes us into a greater sense of purpose, and helps us feel more engaged with life. And that, can't be anything but good for our overall health and happiness. Charity doesn't have to be a massive part of your life to feel these benefits either, so you don't have to dedicate precious hours of time every week to your preferred charitable cause. Occasional charitable acts give us a boost too. I personally like to give a monthly donation to a charity which supports nature, at the moment the charity I'm choosing to support is the @rspb. I take part in occasional charitable events in my local community, and once a year I will do a sponsored event too. This year I am taking on the Samaritans Dawn Walk on World Mental Health Day. If you'd like to help me raise some funds to help the Samaritans keep doing the amazing work they do and can spare a few quid, follow the link to my Just Giving page #charity #raisingfunds #itsgoodtogive #walkingforhealth

    • Head and shoulders image of Rachel Surtees in a natural setting and the early dawn light, wearing outdoor walking gear
  • My kids are all grown up and living their lives as fully fledged adults these days, but despite having not been the parent of a school age child for quite some time now, I tend to still view life through the lens of the academic year. I think this is possibly because, whether you have children or not, life is full of people that do, so the summer holidays in particular bring with them a fair bit of disruption. This week is officially the last of the summer. How has your summer been? Have you managed to keep a level of routine throughout which allows you to move seamlessly back into the 9-5, or are you frantically realising that you need to get your house in order ahead of next week? I've actually been a really busy bee over the summer. I've taken advantage of the extra time that gets freed up when my clients head off on summer holidays, to get a couple of projects sorted, so in some respects I'm feeling quite smug and excited to roll into the autumn. In others though, I'm realising I've taken my eye off the ball a little in terms of reviewing where I'm at, and making sure I stay on track to meet my goals this year. So I guess I probably fall into the camp of needing to get my house in order to some extent too. Wherever you find yourself at right now, it's worth having a moment to pause and reflect, it's much easier to decide what needs to happen next if you take a moment to breathe and slow down. If this week is going to be a frantic one for you as you scramble to get everything in place to roll into September, don't forget to carve out some time for resting too. You'll need the energy it brings to take on September. If you're interested in hearing more about how to look after yourself and staying on track as life speeds up again, sign up to my newsletter here #autumnterm #endofsummer #selfcare #stayingontrack #selfcare #emotionalwellbeing

    • Silhouette of a grass stalk, trees and bushes against a cloudy, blush, sunset sky
  • We are now in the penultimate week of the Take Root beta programme and I couldn't have hoped for it to be going better. I've had some fabulous feedback, which is helping me to polish the finished product. People are reporting that they are growing a better understanding of themselves and what has shaped them, improving their ability to spot when they need some extra resourcing and working out what works best for them in the different situations, and they are also learning to create adequate space for themselves, so they can walk into the world every day feeling solid in themselves and able to support others too. I'll be making the final tweaks to the course, through the rest of August and the finished product will be open for enrollment in the first week of September. Sign up to the waiting list if you want to snag yourself the early adopters, discounted rate and I'll alert you when enrollment opens. Sign up to the waiting list here

    • Image of tree roots, covered in moss and ivy, burying into the ground.
  • Do you get the support you need as a leader to navigate the relational landscape which you operate in? Take a quick read to find out more...

    View profile for Rachel Surtees, graphic

    Supporting people to navigate personal and professional relational landscapes with skill and ease - therapist, coach and educator.

    Tonight is the launch of the Paris 2024 Olympics. The athletes who are involved, have trained for years to get where they are, and they have made it to the top of their game through their endless dedication to their chosen sport, and by seeking out the support they have needed from trainers and coaches. The training and support they have received won't all have been about the physical aspects of their sport either. They will have needed psychological support too, to help them refine their skill, develop a supportive mindset, and find enough resilience to cope with the rigors of this level of training. Leaders need this kind of support too. If you are lucky you will have mentors around you who can help you develop the EQ, understanding of people and relationships, and resilience you need to be a leader at the top of your game. Unfortunately though, there are so many people in leadership positions who find that this isn't available to them. If this is you, I can help. I support leaders to develop the understanding and skills they need to navigate the relational world of the workplace with much more ease. Email me at to book in a discovery call if you would like to find out more. #Paris2024 #leadership #leadershipdevelopment

    • AI generated image of a man wearing swimming hat and goggles under water
  • Hello you lovely people 👋🏼

    View profile for Rachel Surtees, graphic

    Supporting people to navigate personal and professional relational landscapes with skill and ease - therapist, coach and educator.

    I noticed I've had a few new followers recently and, as it's been a while since I introduced myself, I thought I'd pop by and say hi. I'm Rachel, also known as the Rambling Psychotherapist As you can probably guess by the name, I'm a massive outdoors enthusiast and a firm believer that the natural world holds so much power which can support us on our healing journeys. So, I decided to bring as many elements of nature as I could into my work. I work online and in the outdoors, although at present my outdoor sessions are full. When I'm not working, you will usually find me up a hill, in the woods, in a pond, or in a river somewhere (I like other places too, these are just my favourite haunts). I'm a passionate northern woman, a mum and step-mum and live with my gorgeous partner. I love food (I mean, I really love food 😋) and am passionate about how it can support us to be well. And, I love love love music. I believe in walking my talk. I didn't arrive at being a therapist because it sounded like a fun job, I have walked and am still walking my own path of healing and self-discovery and I am very privileged to be able to share what I have learned over the years (through training and personal experience) with some amazing people. I believe this personal experience helps keep me grounded in the work that I do with people, so if you want to work with me at some point, I will always offer a down-to-earth approach. This picture is a selfie I took a few months ago when I decided to join a guided walk and outdoor workshop, and scare myself silly in the process 😂 I like to challenge myself every once in a while. If you're new around these parts, or we've never said hi before, or simply if we've not connected in a while - drop by the comments and give me a wave 👋👋👋 It's really nice to meet you 😊 #therapist #emotionalwellbeing #selfdiscovery #selfdevelopment

    • picture of Rachel Surtees on Striding Edge, Helvelyn, Lake District

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