"Shaping the future of patient-centered healthcare" | Multi-award winning Patient Engagement Professional & Health Advocate | *Honorary Member,Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine *PharmaVoice100 honoree *UK Point of Light
Ipsos UK and the Patient Information Forum (PIF) are creating a public-facing documentary on the topic of health misinformation. The documentary will include both the audio/video footage of lived experiences of adults in the UK, and of interviews with academics, scholars and other practitioners working within this area. Participating in this research is completely voluntary. If you do take part, and if you give your explicit consent, audio and video recordings, and photographs of you participating may take place. These photos and/or edited versions of the recordings may be used in presentation of the research findings to Ipsos staff and/or to PIF staff and stakeholders. They may also be used in any presentations of the research findings, which may include publication in journals, on public websites, including social media sites, as well as use in conference presentations. Your name or a pseudonym may also be used in a caption with any photos, audio and film footage. Please be assured that any research footage and photographs will be held by Ipsos UK and PIF solely for the above research. They will offer you the possibility to see the edited video footage of you before it is published publicly. It will be your decision whether you want to review the video or not. If you have experienced health-related misinformation and would like to find out more about participating in this project, please contact Sophie Randall from the Patient Information Forum: sophie.randall@pifonline.org.uk