Remember, Remember, the SEVENTH of November. OK, so that’s not quite how that goes but while we will all be out in the UK watching fireworks displays this evening, celebrating someone who didn’t achieve what he set out to do (November the Fifth is an odd celebration). On the Seventh of the month though however, we will all set out to do something and we will achieve it. The objective, build your connectivity and Business further as we are heading into the latter end of 2024. Why don’t you join us for an hour of Networking, Connectivity, Conversation and Who Knows what else for the TTBCA Thursday Edition. Our weekly event begins at 9 am UK time where the conversation flows and there is fun to be had as well as that all important connectivity. We had record numbers last week, why not join us and see if we can outdo that. “It’s the Coming Together that set’s us all Apart” #networking #whatsinitforme #connectivity #connectivitysolutions #knowliketrust #collaboration
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