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Civic and Social Organizations

Our aim is to bring people together and bridge divides, to help build a kinder, closer and more connected society.

About us

Together, we are facing one of our country’s greatest tests. It is causing unimaginable hardship and suffering – many of us have lost loved ones, are struggling with our own physical and mental health, and are facing acute financial pressures. We are all having to adapt to a new reality, one which feels very uncertain and unsafe. It has come at a time when we were already struggling with rising loneliness, profound inequality, and divisive political debates. Yet the scale of the challenge we now face has in some ways brought us closer together. It has made us more grateful for each other, indebted to the workers who put themselves at risk to keep our country running and protect the vulnerable. We are counting down the days until we can reconnect with families, friends, and neighbours. It has shown people at their best – volunteering, helping neighbours, protecting those at greatest risk, pulling together as communities to support one another. The question now is how can we best harness and build on this renewed sense of community spirit? Our mission is to foster and support this renewed spirit, to replace social distancing with real connections, to strengthen our communities over the decade to come, and help narrow some of the divisions which have characterised our recent past. We aim to help build a kinder, closer, and more connected country to face the challenges that lie ahead - together.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
2-10 employees


Employees at /together


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