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Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Urdd Gobaith Cymru

Non-profit Organization Management

Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd 2,314 followers

Cyfleoedd a phrofiadau amhrisiadwy i bobl ifanc ers 1922. Bringing unforgettable experiences to young people in Wales.

About us

Mae Urdd Gobaith Cymru yn fudiad cyffrous a deinamig i blant a phobl ifanc sy'n darparu amrywiaeth o weithgareddau ar draws Cymru gyfan, gan gynnwys twrnameintiau chwaraeon, Eisteddfod yr Urdd, profiadau rhyngwladol a chyfleoedd i weithio ar brosiectau dyngarol. Nod yr Urdd yw rhoi cyfleoedd i ieuenctid Cymru i fyw bywydau byrlymus trwy gyfrwng y Gymraeg gan ddysgu parchu ei gilydd a phobloedd y byd. Pwy sy’n aelodau o’r Urdd? Mae 55,000 o blant a phobl ifanc Cymru rhwng 8 a 25 oed yn aelodau o’r Urdd bob blwyddyn, gan gynnwys 1/3 o holl siaradwyr Cymraeg rhwng 8 ac 18 oed, gyda 30% o holl aelodau yn dweud eu bod yn ddysgwyr. Urdd Gobaith Cymru is an exciting and dynamic organization for children and young people that provides a variety of activities across Wales, including sports tournaments, the Urdd Eisteddfod, international experiences and opportunities to work on humanitarian projects. The Urdd aims to provide opportunities for young people in Wales to live fulfilling lives through the medium of Welsh while learning to respect each other and the peoples of the world. Who are Urdd members? 55,000 children and young people aged 8-25 years in Wales are members every year, including 1/3 of all Welsh speakers between the ages of 8 and 18, with 30% of all members identifying as Welsh learners.

Non-profit Organization Management
Company size
51-200 employees
Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd
Youth work, Eisteddfod, Welsh language, Sports, Arts, Youth engagement, Humanitarian work, Apprenticeships, Wales, Cymru, Gwaith ieuenctid, Chwaraeon, Celfyddydau, Gwaith dyngarol, Prentisiaethau, and Cymraeg


  • Primary

    Gwersyll yr Urdd Glan Llyn

    Llanuwchllyn, Gwynedd LL23 7ST, GB

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  • Gwersyll yr Urdd Caerdydd, 6b Bute Place

    Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru

    Caerdydd, CF10 5AL, GB

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  • Gwersyll yr Urdd Llangrannog


    Llandysul, SA44 6AE, GB

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Employees at Urdd Gobaith Cymru


  • Mae ein prentisiaid Yusuf Billie a Hudhayfah Arish yn gweithio gydag ysgolion cyfrwng Saesneg i gynnig cyfleoedd i ddatblygu sgiliau Cymraeg disgyblion drwy chwaraeon. Mae ymrwymiad gwych ein hadran prentisiaethau i gynyddu’r defnydd o’r Gymraeg o fewn yr ysgolion yn cefnogi uchelgeisiau ein Llywodraeth, i sicrhau nad oes unrhyw blentyn yn colli cyfle i ddod yn siaradwr Cymraeg hyderus. Croesawodd Yusuf, Hudhayfah a disgyblion Ysgol Gynradd Mount Stuart Ysgrifennydd y Cabinet dros Gyllid a’r Gymraeg Mark Drakeford i weld yr effeithiau cadarnhaol y mae'r prosiect arloesol hwn hefyd yn ei gael ar weithlu dwyieithog y dyfodol. ---- Our apprentices Yusuf Billie and Hudhayfah Arish work with English-medium schools, offering opportunities to develop pupils’ Welsh language skills through sport. Our apprenticeship department’s commitment to increase the use of Welsh within the schools supports the ambitions of our government’s Welsh Language and Education Bill, to ensure that no child misses out on the opportunity to become a confident Welsh speaker. Yusuf, Hudhayfah and the pupils of @Mount Stuart primary welcomed Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Welsh Language, Mark Drakeford to witness the positive effects that this innovative project also has in creating a bilingual workforce for the future. 🔗bit.ly/4iMbtz6 Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

  • 📢 Mynediad am ddim i deuluoedd incwm is i Eisteddfod yr Urdd Dur a Môr, Parc Margam a’r Fro 2025.  📢 Free entry for lower-income families to Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2025. Diolch i gefnogaeth ariannol o £200,000 gan Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government, bydd teuluoedd incwm is yn gallu hawlio tocynnau am ddim i Faes Eisteddfod yr Urdd eleni. Sian Lewis, Prif Weithredwr yr Urdd: “Ar ran yr Urdd hoffwn ddiolch i Lywodraeth Cymru am eu cefnogaeth ariannol sy’n ein galluogi i gynnig Eisteddfod i Bawb ym Mharc Margam. Mae’r cynnydd mewn costau byw yn rhoi straen mawr ar deuluoedd, ac rydym eisiau sicrhau nad yw sefyllfa ariannol teulu yn golygu bod rhaid i blentyn golli allan ar brofiadau drwy’r Urdd.” Bydd tocynnau mynediad i Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2025 ar gael o ddydd Mercher, 19 Mawrth ymlaen. ---- Thanks to financial support of £200,000 from the Welsh Government this year, low-income families will be able to claim free entry to Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2025, which will be held in Margam Park, Neath Port Talbot. Sian Lewis, Chief Executive of the Urdd: “On behalf of the Urdd I would like to thank the Welsh Government for their financial support and enabling us to offer an Eisteddfod for All in Margam Park. The cost-of-living crisis is putting such a strain on families, and we want to ensure that a family’s financial situation doesn’t mean children having to miss out on experiences with the Urdd.” Entry tickets for Eisteddfod yr Urdd 2025 will be available from Wednesday, 19 March onwards. 🔗 www.urdd.cymru/eisteddfod 

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  • 💪🏼Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Merched | International Women’s Day Fel rhan o’n prosiect #FelMerch, a gwaddol blwyddyn Cymru a India daeth merched ifanc yr Urdd ac India at ei gilydd am bythefnos er mwyn cyfnewid iaith a diwylliant. Braint i'n haelodau oedd cael cefnogi gwaith pwysig Her Future Coalition gyda phlant a merched Kolkata, gan gynnwys rhai sydd wedi goroesi masnachu a mathau eraill o drais ar sail rhywedd. Working with the young women and girls of Kolkata, 10 Urdd members have had the opportunity to carry out cultural and educational workshops alongside Her Future Coalition these past two weeks. An amazing, inspiring and unforgettable experience for all involved. Welsh Government International | Llywodraeth Cymru Rhyngwladol

  • Urdd Gobaith Cymru reposted this

    🏙️ Gwersyll Caerdydd | Cardiff Residential Centre Wedi’i leoli ym Mae Caerdydd, dan do Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru ac union gyferbyn â’r Senedd. Gyda thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i ganol y ddinas a chysylltiad cyfleus i’r M4, mae’r llety 4* sy’n cysgu hyd at 153 person yn leoliad delfrydol ar gyfer pob math o deithiau a digwyddiadau. Mae’r gwersyll yn gallu darparu llwyth o brofiadau amrywiol mewn atyniadau ledled y brifddinas. Cysylltwch i drafod eich gofynion: caerdydd@urdd.org | 02920 635678 Our Cardiff Residential Centre is located in Cardiff Bay, under the roof of the Wales Millennium Centre and directly opposite the Senedd. With public transport to the city centre and a convenient connection to the M4, the 4* accommodation which sleeps 153 people is an ideal location for trips and events. The Centre can arrange a huge range of experiences at many of the capital's main attractions. Get in touch to discuss your needs: caerdydd@urdd.org | 02920 635678

  • Urdd Gobaith Cymru reposted this

    🏙️ Gwersyll Caerdydd | Cardiff Residential Centre Wedi’i leoli ym Mae Caerdydd, dan do Canolfan Mileniwm Cymru ac union gyferbyn â’r Senedd. Gyda thrafnidiaeth gyhoeddus i ganol y ddinas a chysylltiad cyfleus i’r M4, mae’r llety 4* sy’n cysgu hyd at 153 person yn leoliad delfrydol ar gyfer pob math o deithiau a digwyddiadau. Mae’r gwersyll yn gallu darparu llwyth o brofiadau amrywiol mewn atyniadau ledled y brifddinas. Cysylltwch i drafod eich gofynion: caerdydd@urdd.org | 02920 635678 Our Cardiff Residential Centre is located in Cardiff Bay, under the roof of the Wales Millennium Centre and directly opposite the Senedd. With public transport to the city centre and a convenient connection to the M4, the 4* accommodation which sleeps 153 people is an ideal location for trips and events. The Centre can arrange a huge range of experiences at many of the capital's main attractions. Get in touch to discuss your needs: caerdydd@urdd.org | 02920 635678

  • 🕊 Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da 2025: Tlodi 🌎 2025 Peace and Goodwill Message: Poverty Mae Neges Heddwch eleni wedi cael ei lunio gan aelodau'r Urdd o'r Cymoedd a myfyrwyr Coleg y Cymoedd, gyda chefnogaeth Katie Hall ac elusen Achub y Plant. 2025’s Peace Message has been created by Coleg y Cymoedd students, with support from Katie Hall and the inspirational charity Save the Children UK. Welsh Government International | Llywodraeth Cymru Rhyngwladol

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  • 🕊 Heddiw cyhoeddir taw thema Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da 2025 yw tlodi. Yn ddi-dor ers 1922, mae pobl ifanc Cymru wedi cyhoeddi Neges Heddwch ac Ewyllys Da ar draws y byd a thrwy hynny ysgogi ac ysbrydoli gweithgarwch dyngarol rhyngwladol. Pobl ifanc Cymru yw’r unig bobl sydd wedi cyflawni neges o’i fath. Eleni aelodau’r Urdd o’r Cymoedd a Choleg y Cymoedd sy’n gyfrifol am ei chreu. Gyda'r argyfwng tlodi plant presennol i'w weld yng Nghymru ac ar draws y byd, mae'r Urdd a phobl ifanc Cymru wedi dewis defnyddio’u llais i rannu a thrafod y mater hollbwysig yma. Ar 15 Mai 2025 bydd neges eleni yn cael ei rannu gyda’r byd Cefnogwch ni: urdd.cymru/heddwch ---- 🌎 Today the Urdd has announced that the 2025 Urdd Peace & Goodwill message theme is poverty. Every year since 1922, the young people of Wales have published a Message of Peace and Goodwill, stimulating and inspiring humanitarian activity. No other country in the world has achieved this. This year Urdd members from the Welsh Valleys and Coleg y Cymoedd are responsible for the message. With the current child poverty crisis evident in Wales and around the world, the Urdd and it’s young people have chosen to use their voices to share and discuss this vital issue The message will be shared with the world on 15 May. Show your support: urdd.cymru/peace Save the Children UK Welsh Government International | Llywodraeth Cymru Rhyngwladol

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  • Cronfa Cyfle i Bawb yr Urdd: Apêl i sicrhau bod plant a phobl ifanc fwyaf difreintiedig Cymru yn gallu mwynhau gwyliau haf yn 2025. Os hoffech chi neu'ch busnes gyfrannu a helpu plant a phobl ifanc profi Haf bythgofiadwy, ewch draw i’n gwefan am fwy o wybodaeth. - With your help and generosity, our Fund for All appeal aims to offer a summer holiday to children and young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in Wales. To find out more about the Fund for All and learn how you, your community or your business could contribute, head to our website. Diolch o galon for all contributions💚

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  • 🌈 Mae’n ugain mlynedd ers i’r Urdd fod yn Kolkata! Falch ein bod wedi ail sefydlu’r bartneriaeth fydd yn creu cyfleoedd arbennig i bobl ifanc India a Chymru unwaith eto ddysgu o’u gilydd. 20 years on from when our invaluable partnership with the city of Kolkata began, we’re proud to continue to learn from each other and strengthen our relationship with the young people of India. Her Future Coalition Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government

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