ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre’s cover photo
ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre

ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre

Food & Beverages

Cardiff, South Glam 3,694 followers

We provide food and drink businesses with technical, operational and commercial support.

About us

The ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre at Cardiff Metropolitan University provides food businesses with technical, operational and commercial support to enable them to compete more effectively. ZERO2FIVE is able to draw on the expertise within Cardiff Metropolitan University which includes internationally recognised experts in Food Science, Nutrition, Dietetics, Food Legislation, Environmental Health, Trading Standards, New Product Development and Biomedical Sciences. Within the Centre are state-of-the-art facilities which are available for use by businesses. These include a consumer sensory suite, 4 pilot sized plants, a development kitchen and a consumer research kitchen. For more information Email: Twitter: @ZERO2FIVE_ Telephone: + 44 (0) 2920 41 6306

Food & Beverages
Company size
11-50 employees
Cardiff, South Glam
Services for Food Businesses, Food Research, New Product Development, Food & Drink Market Analysis, Sensory Evaluation, Thermal Process Validation, BRC Certification Support, SALSA Certification Support, and Food & Drink Packaging Support


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    Cardiff Metropolitan University

    Western Avenue, Llandaff

    Cardiff, South Glam CF5 2YB, GB

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Employees at ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre


  • We worked with Fablas Ice Cream to analyse their production processes in detail and carry out a waste audit. We reviewed key lines, helping to identify overproduction, and supported the company to build an easy-to-use product costing tool. This has allowed Fablas to manage raw materials and finished products more accurately and in turn reduce waste and costs. #FoodWasteActionWeek .... Buom yn gweithio gyda Fablas i ddadansoddi eu prosesau cynhyrchu yn fanwl a chynnal archwiliad gwastraff. Fe wnaethom adolygu llinellau allweddol, gan helpu i nodi gor-gynhyrchu, a chefnogi’r cwmni i adeiladu offeryn castio cynnyrch hawdd ei ddefnyddio. Mae hyn wedi caniatáu i Fablas reoli deunyddiau crai a chynhyrchion gorffenedig yn fwy cywir ac yn ei dro lleihau gwastraff a chostau. #WythnosGweithreduarWastraffBwyd

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  • ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre reposted this

    👉 Are you a food producer with ambitions to grow? The Food Business Accelerator Scheme opens on 17 March 2025, offering support to help your business expand and thrive. Don’t miss this opportunity 🔗 👉 Ydych chi'n gynhyrchydd bwyd sydd ag uchelgais i dyfu? Mae'r Cynllun Sbarduno Busnesau Bwyd yn agor ar 17 Mawrth 2025, gan gynnig cymorth i helpu'ch busnes i ehangu a ffynnu. Peidiwch â cholli'r cyfle hwn. 🔗 #FoodDrinkWales #BusinessGrowth #FoodBusinessAccelerator #BwydaDiodCymru #TwfBusnes #SbardunoBusnesauBwyd

  • We supported PEAK SUPPS to maintain their SALSA certification by carrying out internal audits against the requirements of the standard and by delivering mentoring. Find out more about the funded food safety certification support we can provide through Project HELIX. .... Fe wnaethom gefnogi Peak Supps i gynnal eu hardystiad SALSA trwy gynnal archwiliadau mewnol yn erbyn gofynion safonau a thrwy ddarparu mentora. Dysgwch fwy am y cymorth ardystio diogelwch bwyd a ariennir y gallwn ei ddarparu trwy Brosiect HELIX.

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  • Last week, the Food Standards Agency’s National Food Crime Unit (NFCU), in partnership with ZERO2FIVE, delivered free fraud prevention training to a cohort of Welsh food and drink businesses. The session covered working through a food crime scenario, with guided discussion points throughout, to help build resilience to food crime within the sector.  ..... Wythnos ddiwethaf, gwnaeth yr Uned Genedlaethol Troseddau Bwyd yr Asiantaeth Safonau Bwyd, mewn partneriaeth â ZERO2FIVE, darparu hyfforddiant atal twyll am ddim i garfan o fusnesau bwyd a diod Cymru. Roedd y sesiwn yn cynnwys gweithio drwy senario troseddau bwyd, gyda phwyntiau trafod dan arweiniad drwy gydol y sesiwn, i helpu i adeiladu gwytnwch i droseddau bwyd o fewn y sector.

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  • Meet Jess 👋 Since graduating from Cardiff Metropolitan University in 2000, Jess has gained 25 years’ experience in technical and quality management roles. Her focus within the technical team is to support our technologists, and of course to support businesses with their technical projects. Jess particularly enjoys compliance focussed projects – for example supporting a business to implement or maintain food-based certifications (including BRCGS Food and SALSA standards). Her favourite part of working within the ZERO2FIVE team is the variety in the projects we support. One day we might be supporting a start-up business develop a new range from their kitchen and the next might be undertaking an internal system review in a large manufacturer. Find out more about how we can help your business: ...... Dyma Jess 👋 Ers graddio o Brifysgol Metropolitan Caerdydd yn 2000, gwariodd Jess 25 mlynedd yn gweithio mewn rolau technegol a rheoli ansawdd. Ei ffocws o fewn y tîm technegol yw i gefnogi ein technolegwyr, ac wrth gwrs i gefnogi busnesau gyda’u prosiectau technegol. Mae Jess yn mwynhau prosiectau sy'n canolbwyntio ar gydymffurfiaeth - er enghraifft cefnogi busnes i weithredu neu gynnal ardystiadau seiliedig ar fwyd (gan gynnwys safonau BRCGS Food a SALSA). Ei hoff ran o weithio o fewn tîm ZERO2FIVE yw'r amrywiaeth o brosiectau rydym yn eu cefnogi. Un diwrnod efallai y byddwn yn cefnogi busnes newydd i ddatblygu ystod newydd o'u cegin ac efallai y bydd y diwrnod nesaf yn cynnal adolygiad system fewnol mewn gwneuthurwr mawr. Dysgwch fwy am sut y gallwn helpu eich busnes:

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  • ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre reposted this

    View profile for Professor Elizabeth (Liz) Redmond

    Professor of Food Safety, Health and Behaviour at the Zero2Five Food Industry Centre, Cardiff Metropolitan University

    I would like to recognise and celebrate all of our strong and dedicated ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre 'Core' and 'Doctoral' Women Researchers and their supervisors, collaborators and support teams on the eve of #InternationalWomensDay2025 A tremendous amount of high quality #foodsafety research is undertaken by this group for fields associated with #foodindustry, #consumerfoodsafety, #behaviouralchange and #healthcare, cumulatively making a positive difference to #publichealth at different stages of the food chain. I feel privileged to work with this group of fab women and be part of their research journeys! Sharon Mayho, Ellen Evans, Veronika Bulochova, Rana Kebbi, Tayo Irawo, Emma Samuel, Naomi J Melville, Laura Hewitt, Fiona Sinclair Thank you for all the hard work you all do! #IWD2025 Cardiff Metropolitan University

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  • ZERO2FIVE Food Industry Centre reposted this

    Ahead of International Women's Day on Saturday, we're celebrating the inspirational women at the forefront of research at Cardiff Met. From ground breaking research to mentoring the next generation, their contributions directly benefit communities locally, nationally and globally.    As an Advance HE Athena Swan silver award winner, Cardiff Met is proud to provide the culture, policies and practices that foster gender parity. Our award reflects our ongoing work in this space, including our ‘Women to Reader and Professor' scheme, which supports female academics progress to senior roles. The programme provides structured guidance, mentoring and career development opportunities to help participants navigate the promotion process. By creating a supportive community and offering tailored resources, we can address gender imbalances in higher academic positions and empower women to advance their careers. #IWD2025 *** I ddathlu Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod ar ddydd Sadwrn, rydyn ni'n tynnu sylw at y menywod ysbrydoledig sydd ar flaen y gad ym maes ymchwil ym Met Caerdydd. O ymchwil arloesol i fentora’r genhedlaeth nesaf, mae eu cyfraniadau o fudd uniongyrchol i gymunedau yn lleol, yn genedlaethol ac yn fyd-eang. Fel enillydd gwobr arian Athena Swan Advance HE, mae Met Caerdydd yn falch o ddarparu'r diwylliant, y polisïau a'r arferion sy'n meithrin cydraddoldeb rhwng y rhywiau. Mae ein gwobr yn adlewyrchu ein gwaith parhaus yn y maes hwn, gan gynnwys ein cynllun ‘Merched i Ddarllenydd ac Athro’, sy’n cefnogi academyddion benywaidd i symud ymlaen i rolau uwch. Mae'r rhaglen yn darparu arweiniad strwythuredig, mentora a chyfleoedd datblygu gyrfa i helpu cyfranogwyr i lywio'r broses ddyrchafu. Drwy greu cymuned gefnogol a chynnig adnoddau wedi’u teilwra, gallwn fynd i’r afael ag anghydbwysedd rhwng y rhywiau mewn swyddi academaidd uwch a grymuso menywod i ddatblygu eu gyrfaoedd.

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  • Professor David Lloyd, Chair of the Food and Drink Wales Industry Board and Director of ZERO2FIVE, has been interviewed in the most recent issue of Taste Blas magazine. Find out more about David’s career and the role of the Board: .... Mae’r Athro David Lloyd, Cadeirydd Bwrdd Diwydiant Bwyd a Diod Cymru a Chyfarwyddwr ZERO2FIVE, wedi cael ei gyfweld yn rhifyn diweddaraf cylchgrawn Taste Blas. Dysgwch fwy am yrfa David a rôl y Bwrdd:

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  • Last Saturday, Cardiff Metropolitan University hosted a series of half-term family activities as part of Cardiff Science Festival. ZERO2FIVE’s Dr Ellen Evans and Sharon Mayho and a team of student ambassadors distributed fridge thermometers and temperature probes and invited people to take part in a citizen science project to understand domestic cooking and refrigeration temperature behaviours. ..... Dydd Sadwrn diwethaf, cynhaliodd Prifysgol Met Caerdydd gyfres o weithgareddau i'r teulu dros hanner tymor fel rhan o Ŵyl Wyddoniaeth Caerdydd. Dosbarthodd Dr Ellen Evans a Sharon Mayho o ZERO2FIVE a thîm o fyfyrwyr sy'n llysgenhadon thermomedrau oergell a chwiliedyddion tymheredd a gwahodd pobl i gymryd rhan mewn prosiect gwyddoniaeth dinasyddion i ddeall ymddygiad coginio domestig a thymheredd oereiddio.

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  • Wales is home to some of the finest produce around and we’re delighted to play our part in supporting Welsh food and drink manufacturers. This year we are encouraging consumers to Make it Welsh for St David’s Day. #LoveWalesLoveTaste #CaruCymruCaruBlas .... Mae Cymru yn gartref i rai o'r cynnyrch gorau o gwmpas ac rydym yn falch iawn o chwarae ein rhan wrth gefnogi gweithgynhyrchwyr bwyd a diod o Gymru. Eleni, rydym yn annog prynwyr i Wneud yn Gymreig ar gyfer Dydd Gŵyl Dewi. #LoveWalesLoveTaste #CaruCymruCaruBlas

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