Neven Kolarić, General Manager for Croatia and Bulgaria & Founding Partner of ExCEEd Orphan, highlighted extraordinary value of innovation in the field of rare diseases, bringing hope to patients and their caregivers...
Rare diseases are part of social responsibility, as UN quoted, so World Health Innovation Day is an amazing opportunity to address rare diseases as important pillar of societies, where embracing innovations through social compact and faster access can change the course of life and care.
"For us, being a torchbearer of health innovation means being a leader in enabling the application of advanced therapeutic solutions that change the lives of patients. Our mission is to represent innovative medicines for the treatment of rare diseases, enabling patients to have access to the latest achievements in medical science and significantly improving their quality of life.
Changing the horizons of innovation, especially in the field of rare diseases, requires a strong collaboration with health professionals and a constant commitment to improving the quality of life of patients. Working with innovative medicines is a challenge because these treatments are new and unknown, which often requires additional efforts in education and adaptation. However, the reward is immeasurable when the patient begins to show signs of recovery and improvement. Through partnership with doctors and other healthcare professionals, we continue to implement advanced therapies that bring real changes to patients' lives, giving them hope and the possibility for a better tomorrow."
„Biti bakljonoša inovacija u zdravstvu za nas znači biti predvodnik omogućavanju primjene naprednih terapijskih rješenja koja mijenjaju živote pacijenata. Naša misija je zastupati inovativne lijekove za liječenje rijetkih bolesti, omogućavajući pacijentima pristup najnovijim dostignućima medicinske znanosti i značajno poboljšavajući kvalitetu njihovog života.
Mijenjanje horizonta inovacija, posebno na području rijetkih bolesti, zahtijeva snažnu suradnju sa zdravstvenim stručnjacima i neprestanu posvećenost poboljšanju kvalitete života pacijenata. Rad s inovativnim lijekovima predstavlja izazov jer su ti tretmani novi i nepoznati, što često zahtijeva dodatne napore u edukaciji i prilagodbi. Međutim, nagrada je neizmjerna kada pacijent počne pokazivati znakove oporavka i poboljšanja. Kroz partnerski rad s liječnicima i drugim zdravstvenim djelatnicima, nastavljamo implementirati napredne terapije koje donose stvarne promjene u živote pacijenata, pružajući im nadu i mogućnost za bolje sutra."
Neven Kolarić World Health Innovation Summit CIC Hrvatski savez za rijetke bolesti World Health Innovation Day EURORDIS-Rare Diseases Europe