Biographical information

Illustrations of Dickens's Novels and The Life of Dickens

Illustrations of Other Works by Dickens

Cartoons and Illustrations from Harper's Weekly

Miscellaneous Cartoons

Eight Illustrations for Two Gissing Short Stories in The English Illustrated Magazine



Barnard, Fred, et al.. Scenes and Characters from Dickens. London: Chapman & Hall, 1908.

Dickens, Charles. Barnaby Rudge — A Tale of the Riots of 'Eighty. Illustrated by Fred Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1874. Vol. VII.

__________. Bleak House. Illustrated by Fred Barnard [61 composite wood-block engravings]. The Works of Charles Dickens. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1873. Vol. IV.

__________. David Copperfield, with 61 illustrations by Fred Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872. Vol. III.

__________. Dombey and Son. Illustrated by Fred Barnard [62 composite wood-block engravings]. The Works of Charles Dickens. 22 vols. The Household Edition. London: Chapman and Hall, 1877. Vol. XV.

__________. The Life and Adventures of Martin Chuzzlewit, with 59 illustrations by Fred Barnard. Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872. Vol. II.

__________. The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby. With fifty-two illustrations by C. S. Reinhart. The Household Edition. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1875. Vol. I.

__________. Master Humphrey's Clock. Reprinted Pieces, and Other Stories. With illustrations by E. G. Dalziel and F. Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1872. Vol. XX. Pp. 253-306.

__________. Nicholas Nickleby, with fifty-eight illustrations by Fred Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1875. XV. Rpt. 1890.

__________. Sketches by Boz. Illustrated by Fred Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1876. XIII.

__________. A Tale of Two Cities. Illustrated by Fred Barnard. The Household Edition. 22 vols. London: Chapman and Hall, 1874. VIII.

Gissing, George. "The Fate of Humphrey Snell." The English Illustrated Magazine. No. 145 (Oct., 1895): 1-10.

__________. "An Inspiration." The English Illustrated Magazine. No. 147 (Dec., 1895): 268-75.

Kitton, Frederic George. Dickens and His Illustrators: Cruikshank, Seymour, Buss, "Phiz," Cattermole, Leech, Doyle, Stanfield, Maclise, Tenniel, Frank Stone, Landseer, Palmer, Topham, Marcus Stone, and Luke Fildes. Amsterdam: S. Emmering, 1972. Re-print of the 1899 (London) edition.

Created 14 November 2017

Last modified 18 July 2023
