(Part 2 of ancient technique article)

Electricity in ancient times

Ancient battery In the 1930 in Khujut Rabula on the outskirts of Bagdad, some people was digging in a little hill. They found remains of a tower from the time of Partert.
The museum of Irak then began to do archaeological excavations in the area. A German archaeologist, named W. König, then discover curious things who seems to be like a cell in a modern pocket torch!
He found out that they had found remains of four similar ”batteries” near the old city Seleuca, an area down the river. At a visit in The Berlin museum he discovered several not assembled parts, like a cylinder of copper, sticks of iron and asphalt to feed ten likely ”batteries”, probable used in a series connection!
König describes his amazing discovery in the book ”Im verlcrenen Paradies“, who describe his 9-year stay in Irak. Later a young technician named F. M. Gray, employed by General Electric, found out about these findings and passed on a few notes by Willy Ley who in a arrogance manner refereed to Königs discovery.
Grey made a copy of the more than 2000 year old construction from the time 250 b.c. - 224 b.c. With copper sulphate as electrolyte the battery worked just fine. The pre-Christian battery was made of a cylinder manufactured of a thick copper plate who had been bent together and then soldered with a 60/40 % mixture of tin-lead. The cylinder of copper was 9.8 cm long and 2.6 cm in diameter, in other term - twice the size of a battery for a modern pocket torch. The bottom was made of a copperplate isolated with a layer of asphalt. The top opening was locked with a plug of asphalt who was pierced with a stick of iron. The whole thing was cemented in a little vase of clay.
The combination of copper and iron in this old element is the same who Galvani made use of in 1786, or two thousand year later. It is not clear which electrolyte that have been used in the element from the parter time, but Grey made use of copper sulphate. However, it is likely that acid of citron or vinegar cud have the same effect and these materials was in common use in those times.
Volta was the first in the ”new time” who came with the idea to connect a several amount of electrical cells or element to one battery to have a stronger force. Volta made use of the same method that people in the parter time presumably made use of!
Despite that there has not been any findings in India, there are descriptions in very old books. And here comes some examples who has been taken from a technical publication named Shilpa-Sansar.
Here a man with name Shri Parashuram Hari Thatte say following words about the electricity:
”After that have placed a pert of pure copper in a vase of clay with a wide opening, there been put some coppervitriol on top of it. On top of that there been put a layer of sawdust and over that a block of zinc who was greased with quicksilver. Throw this assembling there come electricity who called Mitra. Even light cud be receive by this arrangement. A battery of one hundred pots was very effective”
These Thatte, told that a method to gild or to silver surface of copper was made by electroplating. He also told that Agastyra invent these method and therefor received the title Kumbhadhava, who means ”the battery born” or Maitravaruna who means ”son of electricity”. Thatte was mean that this knowledge come from the time of Rama, 5000 years b.c.!

Henry Kjellson

Ancient history-lamps? If we go back to Egypt and more precise the temple of Dendera, we should find some remarkable pictures that really is something to wonder over.
Henry Kjellson who was a man that offered a considerable part of his live to search of these things and also was able to give out some books before he died in early 60’s, says as follows about these pictures:
” I will, for those who are interested, point at some special details. Like in fig. 44A, 85, 86 and 87 who touch ”the lamps” drawn with double lines. That must means something special, and my own opinion is that it is some kind of protection suite.
The up bearing ”dad” or ”djed” pillar, who by egyptologs and specially Marinett are been called Fig 86 ”symbol of stability”, a word who can translates to steadiness or lasting, is not present in fig 44 A but holds up the right ”lamp” in fig 85. Near the left ”lamp” in the same figure there is two upgoing arms who emanate from the dad-pillars second ring, if we count from the top.
The upgoing arms is the sign for ”power”. In fig. 86 right side, the arms are going out from the lower or second lower ring of the pillar. The left ”lamp” have no pillar at all. In fig.87 do the arms (who now are outgoing from the top of the pillar) support directly to the snakefigure inside the ”lamp”. The cover of the ”lamp” are in this case not connected to the ”lotus stalk” as in the other pictures.
In the most of the pictures there sees to be a wire or cable who come from the little ”powerbox” witch the little goddess Maatkare are sitting.
Stenhuggning av lampa In some cases the lotus stalk has two or tree curved lines with his base and in some case these lines are missing. Marinett have his own opinion about this ”cables” who are going out from the so called lotus stalk, he think that these are a boat and the small people who sitting on the ”cables” in fig. 44, 85, 86 and 87 are gondoliers, rowers or seamen. So different can an interpretation from the same picture be done! Those of you who feel for it can of course do your own interpretation of this picture and following text. My own opinion about this are that it is electricity!”

The mysterious melting of granite

Smält granit It’s been saisd that the word ”pyramid” might came from the Greek word ”pyr” witch means glow. ”Mid” = the middle of, and ”Pyra” = glow oven. The result is that the word ”pyramid” can be translated to ”thing with a glowing oven inside”. According to the same source, the hieroglyph word ”Her-sam-ta-ai”, which we can see in the temple of Dendera, have the same meaning.
The text in the books of Moses for example ”he took out dust from melting oven” ( sec. book 9:8) cud in that case pointing at the pyramid of Cheops.
Inside the pyramid of Cheops in the king camber according to witnesses there had for many years ago been a granite melting spread out on the floor (see picture)!
It covers an area of maybe one squaremeter in front of the box. What was the origin of that? How could anyone melting granite on that time? Today this melted granite is gone from tourists who have picket it up piece for piece under many years!! It is in my opinion extremely hard to understand how this could be done with the authorities just watching! The question is, was the pyramid built to produce something? A thing that supports that feeling is that we can see some examples of injury in the stone of the type that leads us to the conclusion that there had been some activity inside the pyramid for many years.
In the big picture - some people even suggest that some stones have changed after the pyramid was finished! My own feeling about this is that it seems that these people in that time, thousand of years ago, in some way had stumbled on some remains of an earlier very technical society and didn’t really know how to used it! And didn’t have the technique to reproduce it.

Sources: Teknik i Forntiden, by Henry Kjellson and C-A Matsson. Amateur Astronomy and some other articles.

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