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Call for Applications: Promoting sustainable development through UNESCO’s programmes and sites (Deadline: 9 May 2022)


The UNESCO Regional Bureau for Science and Culture in Europe and the abrdn Charitable Foundation (aCF) are launching a call for applications to UNESCO designated sites in Europe, as a part of the 3-year project ‘Promoting sustainable development through UNESCO’s programmes and sites’.

The call is addressed to Biosphere reserves, Global Geoparks and Natural World Heritage sites managers. The project aims to promote a more sustainable and climate neutral Europe by working through research and education with the goal of developing innovative solutions to environmental problems in selected UNESCO sites.

The project will promote the role of Biosphere Reserves, Global Geoparks and World Heritage sites to act as pilot sites for sustainable development and the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals including on water (SDG 6), climate (SDG 13), ocean (SDG 14) and land (SDG 15).

The proposals must be closely linked to the work of UNESCO’s intergovernmental science programmes and their networks, notably the Man and the Biosphere (MAB) Programme, the Intergovernmental Hydrological Programme (IHP), and the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC)

Each year 5, sites will be selected which must contribute to achieving all 3 expected results of the project:

- the promotion of research in the following areas: biodiversity/ nature-based solutions/ecosystem services water, the ocean, and the climate

- the promotion of innovative approaches to education for Sustainable development, water education and ocean literacy and climate change within the sites and the specific topic chosen;

- the promotion of innovative ‘green’ and ‘blue’ solutions for sustainable development and climate change mitigation and adaptation, involving key stakeholders such as local businesses, NGOs and youth.

UNESCO will work with the selected sites to ensure the expected results fit within priority MAB, IHP and IOC areas and can be scaled up to the regional and global level as best practices. Selected sites will also have the opportunity to exchange and support each other throughout the project.

The selected sites will receive funding from the project to implement activities under the 3 expected results for a total amount of up to 25,000 USD per site (of which approx. 15,000 USD for research and 5,000 USD each for the two other components). Related UNESCO’s scientific programmes: MAB, IHP and IOC Related SDGs: 6 (water), 13 (climate), 14 (ocean) and 15 (land).

For any inquiries, please contact: Regional.Bureau-SC@unesco.org

Eligible site managing authorities are invited to submit applications by 9 May 2022 at 23.59 CET To find more info about the selection criteria and the procedure please consult the below documents.
