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Scientific Instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope: Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec)

Infographic titled “NIRSpec: Near-Infrared Spectrograph” illustrating the components, wavelength range, fields of view, imaging modes, and spectroscopy modes of Webb’s Near-Infrared Spectrograph. This display image shows a reduced version of the full vertical infographic on the left, and an enlarged version of details on the right.
Scientific Instruments on the James Webb Space Telescope: Near-Infrared Spectrograph (NIRSpec)

Infographic titled “NIRSpec: Near-Infrared Spectrograph.” The infographic is divided into four sections arranged vertically. From top to bottom: Components, Wavelength, Field of View, and Spectroscopy Modes.

Section 1: Components

Three labeled icons, one for each of NIRSpec’s components.

  1. Left icon labeled “spectrographs”: Line drawing of light being refracted by a prism. Triangle with a white line entering at an angle from the left side, passing straight through the triangle, and then exiting as a rainbow on the right. 
  2. Center icon labeled “microshutter array”: Line drawing of a three by three grid of horizontal rectangles, with space between the rectangles. Each rectangle contains a set of thin vertical lines, all of the same height. The lines do not touch the edges of the rectangle.
  3. Right icon labeled “integral field unit”: Line drawing of a rectangular prism with a spiral galaxy and stars on the front and rainbow pattern on the sides. The prism appears to be made of a stack of colors, from purple at the front to red at the back.

Section 2: Wavelength

Graphic showing that the wavelength range of NIRSpec is red to near-infrared.

The graphic consists of a horizontal bar with a sine wave pattern running through the middle from left to right. The wavelength (distance between peaks) of the waves in the wave pattern increases from left to right. The bar is divided into thirds from left to right. The left third of the bar, labeled “visible,” has a subtle rainbow coloring, from purple at the left to red at the right. The middle third, labeled “infrared,” is divided into three sections labeled “near,” “mid,” and “far.” The right third of the bar, labeled “microwave,” is almost black.

The far right end of the visible through the near-infrared section of the bar is called out prominently with bright to dark red coloring.

Section 3: Field of View

Graphic showing the field of view of NIRSpec relative to a Hubble image of the Whirlpool Galaxy.

Black-and-white space telescope image showing a spiral galaxy with two arms. One arm spirals counterclockwise around the bright core of the galaxy, ending at the top right of the image. The galaxy’s other arm ends at the bottom left. A smaller elliptical galaxy lies at the tip of the top arm. The larger spiral galaxy covers about two-thirds of the width of the infographic. The smaller elliptical galaxy covers about one-tenth of the width. 

Four open rectangles are overlaid on the image. The rectangles are arranged in a two-by-two grid with space in between. Together, they form a square roughly centered on the bright core of the large spiral galaxy. The square of four rectangles is oriented with the corners at the top, bottom, left, and right. Together, the four rectangles cover approximately 15% of the image.

Section 4: Spectroscopy Modes

Four labeled icons, one for each of NIRSpec’s spectroscopy modes, arranged in a two-by-two grid.

  1. Top left icon labeled “slitted”: Simple drawing showing two vertical white bars, one above the other with a space in between. To the left of the bar is a star. To the right is a vertical rainbow. A cone of light passes from the star, through the space between the white bars, to the rainbow.
  2. Top right icon labeled “multi-object”: Four-by-three grid of rectangles. Three rectangles have an icon of an astronomical object: a star, spiral galaxy, and planet. The remaining nine rectangles have a solid white fill. Below the grid is a set of three rectangles arranged horizontally. Each of these rectangles is filled with a rainbow pattern.
  3. Bottom left icon labeled “integral field unit”: Line drawing of a rectangular prism with a spiral galaxy and stars on the front and rainbow pattern on the sides. The prism appears to be made of a stack of colors, from purple at the front to red at the back.
  4. Bottom right icon labeled “time-series”: Two-by-two grid with four wave patterns, one in each square. Each of the four wave forms changes color from purple on the left to red on the right. The wave pattern (the heights and locations of the peaks on the wave) is different in each square.

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