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Step-by-Step Guide to Protecting Web Apps with Google reCAPTCHA


Think About Your Audience Before Choosing a Webinar Title

Sponsored by GOOGLE CLOUD

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
3 pm EDT

The potential for large financial gains makes public-facing web apps the primary target of cybercriminals. Over the last two years, the volume of attacks has dramatically increased.  Businesses today need trusted technology that is built specifically for the enterprise that will give them the ability to detect abusive traffic on their websites without creating any user friction.

Analyst firm, ESG, recently evaluated Google’s reCAPTCHA offering and concluded that “reCAPTCHA Enterprise provides the flexibility to protect as little as one web page or the entirety of a hyperscale website.”   During this webinar, with Cy Khormaee, Product Management Lead for Google’s User Protection solutions, you’ll get a deep dive on how easy and effective it is to leverage reCAPTCHA Enterprise, including:

  • How to reduce login attempts by approximately 90% without reducing user engagement.
  • Using reCAPTCHA Enterprise to protect your websites from some of OWASP’s most challenging web-automated attacks.
  • Get access to the insights included in ESG’s recent technical review of this Google enterprise-ready technology.
Cy Khormaee
Product Management Lead - Google Cloud
Cy Khormaee is the Product Management Lead for User Protection at Google.  This portfolio includes Safe Browsing, reCAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA Enterprise, Web Risk, and protections that span each of Google's product areas. He enables Google to protect their employees, users, and customers from online threats. Cy has received his MBA from the Harvard Business School and BS in Computer Science from University of Washington.

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What You’ll Learn in This Webinar

You’ve probably written a hundred abstracts in your day, but have you come up with a template that really seems to resonate? Go back through your past webinar inventory and see what events produced the most registrants. Sure – this will vary by topic but what got their attention initially was the description you wrote.

Paint a mental image of the benefits of attending your webinar. Often times this can be summarized in the title of your event. Your prospects may not even make it to the body of the message, so get your point across immediately.  Capture their attention, pique their interest, and push them towards the desired action (i.e. signing up for your event). You have to make them focus and you have to do it fast. Using an active voice and bullet points is great way to do this.

Always add key takeaways. Something like this....In this session, you’ll learn about:

  • You know you’ve cringed at misspellings and improper grammar before, so don’t get caught making the same mistake.
  • Get a second or even third set of eyes to review your work.
  • It reflects on your professionalism even if it has nothing to do with your event.