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Niokolo-Koba National Park

Niokolo-Koba National Park

Located in a well-watered area along the banks of the Gambia river, the gallery forests and savannahs of Niokolo-Koba National Park have a very rich fauna, among them Derby elands (largest of the antelopes), chimpanzees, lions, leopards and a large population of elephants, as well as many birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Parc national du Niokolo-Koba

Situées dans une zone bien irriguée, le long des rives de la Gambie, les forêts-galeries et les savanes du Niokolo-Koba abritent une faune d'une grande richesse : l'élan de Derby (la plus grande des antilopes), des chimpanzés, des lions, des léopards, une importante population d'éléphants et de très nombreux oiseaux, reptiles et amphibiens.

Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

منتزه نيوكولو كوبا الوطني

تشكل الغابات الممتدة على طول النهر وسهول سافانا نيوكولو كوبا الواقعة في منطقة مروية جيداً على ضفاف غامبيا موطناً لعدد كبير من الحيوانات كظبي دربي (وهو أكبر الظبية) والشيمبانزي والأسود وفهود الليوبارد وعدد كبير من الفيلة والطيور والزواحف والضفدعيات.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0



source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Национальный парк Ниоколо-Коба

Расположенный в хорошо обводненной местности вдоль реки Гамбия, этот парк с галерейными лесами и саваннами служит местообитанием для разнообразных животных, включая самую крупную африканскую антилопу – канну, шимпанзе, льва, леопарда, а также крупную популяцию слонов, многочисленных птиц, рептилий и амфибий.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Parque Nacional de Niokolo-Koba

Situado en una zona de aguas abundantes, a lo largo de las orillas del río Gambia, este parque alberga en sus bosques de galería y sabanas un gran número de especies animales: alces de Derby –los antílopes más grandes del mundo–, chimpancés, leones, leopardos y una importante población de elefantes, así como un sinfín de aves, reptiles y anfíbios.

source: UNESCO/CPE
Description is available under license CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0


source: NFUAJ

Nationaal park Niokolo-Koba

Het nationaal park Niokolo-Koba ligt in een rijk watergebied langs de oevers van de Gambia rivier. Het gebied wordt gekenmerkt door een groep ecosystemen die typerend is voor deze regio, zoals grote waterwegen (de Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo en Koulountou). Het gebied omvat 913 hectare en is rijk aan bossen, uiterwaarden, vijvers, droge bossen – met open en dichte plekken – rotsachtige hellingen en heuvels. De bossen en savannes van het Nationaal park Niokolo-Koba hebben een zeer rijke fauna, waaronder Derby elanden (grootste van de antilopen), chimpansees, leeuwen, luipaarden en een grote populatie olifanten. Daarnaast zijn er veel vogels, reptielen en amfibieën.

Source: unesco.nl

Outstanding Universal Value

Brief synthesis

Located in the Sudano-Guinean zone, Niokolo-Koba National Park is characterized by its group of ecosystems typical of this region, over an area of 913 000ha. Watered by large waterways (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, Koulountou), it comprises gallery forests, savannah grass floodplains, ponds, dry forests -- dense or with clearings -- rocky slopes and hills and barren Bowés. This remarkable plant diversity justifies the presence of a rich fauna characterized by: the Derby Eland (the largest of African antelopes), chimpanzees, lions, leopards, a large population of elephants as well as many species of birds, reptiles and amphibians.

Criterion (x): Niokolo-Koba National Park contains all the unique ecosystems of the Sudanese bioclimatic zone such as major waterways (the Gambia, Sereko, Niokolo, Koulountou), gallery-forests, herbaceous savanna floodplains, ponds, dry forests -- dense or with clearings-- rocky slopes and hills and barren Bowés. The property has a remarkable diversity of wildlife, unique in the sub-region. It counts more than 70 species of mammals, 329 species of birds, 36 species of reptiles, 20 species of amphibians and a large number of invertebrates. Lions, reputedly the largest in Africa, are a special attraction, as well as the Derby Eland, the largest antelope in existence. Other important species are also present, such as the elephant, leopard, African wild dog and chimpanzee. The wealth of habitats should be noted, along with the diversity of flora, with over 1,500 important plant species.


Covering nearly one million hectares, the Niokolo-Koba National Park is sufficiently vast as to illustrate the major aspects of the Guinean savanna-type ecosystem, and to ensure the survival of species therein. However, reports indicate a considerable poaching of elephants. The proposed dams on the Gambia and the Niokolo-Koba are also a concern because they would have disastrous consequences for the ecological integrity of the property.

Protection and management requirements

The park is managed by a management administration under the direct supervision of the State through the Ministry of Environment and Nature Protection and the National Parks Directorate. In 2002, a development and management plan was elaborated. This Plan should be updated through regular revisions to strengthen the conservation of the property, and provided with adequate resources to ensure its effective implementation.

The property, inscribed on the List of World Heritage in Danger in 2007, is subject to many pressures such as poaching, bush fires, the premature drying up of ponds and their invasion by plants. To this must be added population growth and poor soil in the surrounds, which has led to encroachment on agricultural land and livestock wandering in the park. The priorities for the protection and management of the property are thus to implement urgent measures to halt poaching, improve the park’s ecological monitoring programme, develop a plan for survival of endangered species, address premature drying up of the ponds and their invasion by plants or find alternative solutions, and minimize the illegal movement of livestock. It is also necessary to improve cross-border cooperation and measures to protect buffer zones and ecological corridors outside the park. For the long-term management, protection of the property should be a national policy, project and budgetary priority, with the assistance of development partners.
