Our Workplace

Amazon Welcome Door program

As we Strive to be Earth’s Best Employer, Amazon created the Welcome Door program—a new initiative to provide current refugee and humanitarian-based immigrant employees in the U.S. with additional resources, support, and reimbursement for Employment Authorization Documents (EADs).

Amazon launches employment support program for refugees

A new Amazon program offers resources and support for refugee and humanitarian-based immigrant employees, including a citizenship assistance portal, free legal support, and mentorship.

Amazon believes that employing a diverse workforce is central to our success.

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The program will launch in the U.S. in April and will expand to additional countries by the end of the year. Through the Welcome Door program, Amazon’s humanitarian-based immigrant employees will have access to several benefits and tools, including:

  • Reimbursement for EAD renewal fees, which on average cost approximately $500 every other year
  • Citizenship Assistance Portal that fully supports U.S. citizenship applications
    for eligible employees
  • Ongoing communications that highlight policy changes that might impact an employee's immigration status
  • Free legal resources to help navigate immigration-related questions and the ability to connect with immigration experts
  • Skills-training opportunities, including free college tuition and English as a second language (ESL) proficiency through Amazon's Career Choice program
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