Samsung's New Dual Core Processors: Exynos 4210

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We have all been patiently waiting for those “Orion” dual core processors that Samsung was manufacturing as the sucessors of the already popular Hummingbird. Well, guess what? Samsung has just announced that their new dual core processor chipsets are going to be named Exynos 4210, and Orion is the first model of this line. Production is set to start next month, which means that they will probably be presenting them this weekend at MWC.

Stay tuned to Android Headlines for the latest on MWC next week!

Samsung’s Official Press Release

SEOUL-(Korea Newswire) February 11, 2011 – Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., a world leader in advanced semiconductor solutions, today announced a new brand name for its application processor family. Exynos will be applied to Samsung’s application processors, which are designed to power mobile devices such as smartphonesand tablets.

“Application processors for the mobile market are one of the flagship products in our semiconductor business,” saidSeh-Woong Jeong, executive vice president of marketing, System LSI Division, Samsung Electronics. “We are excited to introduce the brand name of Exynos for Samsung’s application processorfamily. As consumers demand more from their mobile products, Samsung’s Exynos chips will be the power inside enabling the coolest HD multi-media features with even longer battery life.”

Exynos associates Samsung’s “smart and green” strategy adopted by its semiconductor devices and solutions developed specifically to support the stringent performance and power requirements of mobile devices. Smart refers to high-performance aspect and Green represents low power features of Samsung’s application processors. Exynos originates from the Greek words smart (exypnos) and green (prasinos).

The new naming system will be first applied to the dual core processor codenamed Orion, which was announced in September 2010. Carrying the name Exynos 4210, Samsung’s powerful 1GHz dual-core application processor is scheduled for production next month.
