Developer Makes more Money on Android than iOS

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Same Game sells more Android Versions

Ever since Android first came out there has been a debate over which OS was better; Google’s or Apple’s. Having released first, iOS was the winner for a long period of time. It had Android beat on number of apps available, number of developers associated, and revenue brought to developers and Apple. Now Android is winning the smartphone battle over market share and developers are noticing that Google’s AdMob can help generate revenue no matter their company size.

Spacetime’s story: Pocket Legends on Android outsells, outplays iOS

Today, Spacetime has shown that Android is better than iOS. Their hit game Pocket Legends is downloaded 9,000 times a day on Android and only 3,000 – 4,000 times a day on iOS according to Spacetime. It was also noted that Android users play the game nearly three times as much as their iOS counterparts.

The graph below shows Android sales versus iOS sales in the first 30 and 60 days of Pocket Legends’ release. Particularly noticeable are days 31-47 in which Google dominates Apple in terms of download. Of course, Spacetime’s story isn’t the norm in Android’s Market but this news should be very encouraging to any developer wondering if they should launch on Android or not.

Download Pocket Legends here

Source: ComputerWorld
