Apple At it Again Seemingly Beats Google To Complete Cloud Music Service

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Apple To Get Cloud Music First

In what is seemingly a major upset Apple is being reported by Reuters to have completed development of their online cloud based music service. Even though Google seemingly had a large head start and even demoed the service at Google IO 2010, they have run into a few obstacles that have delayed launch.

The service will tie in with their iTunes music store and allow for playback of your music wherever an internet connection is available. Nothing has been officially announced and Apple is in talks to ink a deal with the major recording labels.

The Competition

The online retailer Amazon beat both companies to the punch and its cloud drive service is already up and running for desktops and mobile devices.  Amazon released their service without a deal with record labels but is currently in talk to make a deal for a more advanced version of their music locker.

Google had intended to release their cloud music service along with Gingerbread last December, but is still in talks with labels. One Record label executive stated that Google keeps changing what they are asking for which is part of the reason no deals have been agreed upon.  Some say changes in management at Google are behind this as Larry Page stepped in as CEO on April 1st in place of Eric Schmidt. While Andy Rubin led initial discussions that appears to have changed now.

What To Expect

At this point it is not clear what we can expect from the Apple music service or from Google when their services go live. Both companies have made big purchases to aid in development of their service with Apple purchasing Lala a cloud music service in 2009 and Google buying PushLife a mobile music and content sharing company and Simplify Media.

Amazon however is up and running and comes with an initial free 5Gb of storage so head over to their site if you want to try it out. Having mobile access to cloud music is definitely coming soon, but it remains to be seen which service will be the best.

Via Reuters
