Sony S1 to Enter Android Tablet Space by End of Summer

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Sony S1 Honeycomb Tablet

Sony appears poised to follow its rivals Samsung, LG, HP, HTC, RIM and Motorola with its own entry into the tablet market. According to Bloomberg, the Japanese newspaper Nikkei is quoting Sony’s CEO, Howard Stringer, as announcing that a tablet running Android OS 3.0 (Honeycomb) will be released by the end of this summer.

We haven’t seen an official release from Sony yet, and the only other detail that the Bloomberg story offered is that the tablet will be released first in the US. But judging by past rumors, the device is believed to have a 9.4 inch, 1280 x 800 screen.

Sony Tablet Takes A New Approach

Although Sony has certainly not been the strongest player to date in the Android market, based on its historical position as a technology innovator, we would be surprised if they didn’t throw their hat in the tablet ring. One interesting twist in the early sketches we’ve seen of the Sony tablet, with the minimalist codename S1, is the form factor: it bulges and curves at the top.  Perhaps this is meant to be reminiscent of a folded back magazine or book. Or perhaps it will serve a purpose – a better viewing angle, or propping up the device.

It may still be some time before we find more definitive details. Stay tuned as usual, and please let us know your thoughts on a Sony Tablet.

Source: Android and Me
Image: Engadget

