Sprint and Google Voice Integration is coming April 26

Featured image for Sprint and Google Voice Integration is coming April 26

Sprint and Google continue their partnership

On April 26th Integration between Sprint and Google Voice services will be live and I’ve never considered how this is one of the more confusing things going on right now. If you don’t believe me or understand why, just read some the threads around the web right now about the porting your Google Voice number to Sprint or your Sprint number to Google Voice or …. see what I mean, confusing. Hopefully I can clear up some of the confusion for those wondering what this is all about. One of the main questions is, what is the difference between this option and the option all customers have right now regardless of carrier?

Google Voice Integration. What does it all mean?

I’ll start by saying that this whole ideal is only really advantageous to people who only want one number and not two. People who just want to port Google Voice’s awesome features to their existing Sprint number. In other words in this scenario you lose the Google Voice number though it remains active for three months while the transition is taking place. Remember, there are several options in this process that must be checked to ensure things are working the way you want them to. Google basically takes over the handling of your text and voice mail unless you want to keep these things native to your phone. All this integration begs many more questions and I have included a link to a chart that should answer a lot of these for you. Any other questions you may have or your own clarifications for that matter, can be added in the comments. I’m a Sprint customer who will be using Google Voice as I always have but I would love to hear from those of you looking to make the switch.

