Verizon Galaxy Tab to Get Update, But No Honeycomb Love

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Verizon Galaxy Tab to be Updated

Verizon is getting an update very soon for its Samsung Galaxy Tab. But unfortunately for those Tab owners, it is not an update to Honeycomb. It does address a lot of bugs and fixes a large number of problems with the software, but an upgrade to 3.0 is not in the cards now, and may never be in the future.

So if Galaxy Tab not getting Honeycomb, What is the Update for?

Some of the fixes include: web access (increased performance for web surfing and Wi-Fi connectivity), email and messaging (access to links made easier, accessibility for Word 2000-2003 documents), and some more features. This update will definitely enhance the user capabilities and eliminate most of the headache. And remember, the Galaxy Tab is now down to $199 with contract, so if you don’t already have this device, it’s about time to go out and get one.

Head over to Verizon Support for more info on this update.
