Droid Charge New Possible Release Date Tommorow?

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New hope for the Samsung Droid Charge has been given.

The Samsung Droid Charge has been given new hope for release. Newest speculations are aiming for release as early as Tuesday. Although nobody is completely for sure why it was delayed in the first place, it seems as if this delay will not be as long as some of the others we have seen in the past from Verizon.

From looks of it Costco will be receiving this Droid Charge in stock as early as Monday and either a confirmation to start selling on Tuesday or revised launch date sent out one that day also. It also states that all Costco locations will have the Charge in stock by the end of Wednesday.

Can we expect the Charge only at Costco on this day?

It may also be possible that Verizon may be releasing the Droid Charge across the board on this day also but yet nothing has been completely confirmed yet.  This device has made a lot of buzz for Big Red themselves and is expecting to be a hit but we can only wait and see.

The Samsung Droid Charge is speculated to be a very heavy player in the Verizon Android line-up and has some very nice looking hardware features to it.  The only question that I asked is Samsung going to stand behind this device or is it going to handle the Droid Charge like others we have seen in the past with a delay and sometimes a lack of updates for the devices?  With the amount of buzz that this device is making I hope they stay on top of this one.

Is the Droid Charge going to live up to its name, or run out of breath before it makes it very far?

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Hand holding phone with Android Headlines logo Tomorrow's Tech, Today's News