Google TV: Making A Bigger Impression at Google I/O?

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Google TV: The future or not?

Most of us have known about Google TV for a while now. But not everybody has known exactly what kind of impact it has had on the market. According to speculations Google will be releasing new details about a revamped version of their attempts in the home entertainment business soon, possibly at its I/O conference next month.

Google has not released any specifics about what is to come, but some of the talk out there is that we will be seeing several enhancements to Google TV over the current versions out there. To name a few that are being talked about right now is possibly a newer faster chipset, some are saying a better Atom chipset.  Another area that is said to be worked on is a better user experience for Google TV, in other words easier to use. The only other thing that I believe is being talked about right now is the possibility of allowing Android apps on your Google TV. Nobody is for sure if this is going to bring a new life to yet another one of Google’s venture’s but if this works out properly it could be very huge for the future of everyone out there.

A quick run down on Google TV?

Talking details about Google giving it a new chipset could be taken in several debates in several different ways, but when it boils down to it, it will be better for it hands down.

Giving Google TV a better user experience, well that is always better no matter what. If people cannot figure it out or are uncomfortable using a product no matter what it is, it will get bad reviews and too many people rely on reviews these days.

Allowing Android apps on your Google TV? Rovio the creator of the highly popular game Angry Birds tweeted on their Twitter account that the Wii and the 3DS would be arriving later in the year. So why not straight to your Google TV, versus having to go through your game system? And not only games, to delve a little deeper, Android and Google has shown us that when it comes to accomplishing things nothing is out of their reach. From simple games to document editing to being able to monitor your camera systems from virtually any device you have. If this is done properly it has the ability to make everyone’s lives that much better and easier.

Google TV: Do you think Google TV has a chance to enhance our lives, or just an area Google should leave alone?

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