HTC Desire Z will get Gingerbread before the end of June

Featured image for HTC Desire Z will get Gingerbread before the end of June

The good folks at Eurodroid, the home of “Android News from not-America”, found a little snippet on the HTC Euro support site that confirms that HTC will deliver Gingerbread for the Desire Z by the end of June.

“…we optimise the experience for each handset, for example, HTC Desire HD and Desire Z have different screen sizes. Gingerbread for Desire Z is coming before the end of June”

There’s that fragmentation thing rearing it’s head again.

HTC has promised to deliver an awful lot of updates. I’m sure some of these have already started but by my count:

  • Desire HD
  • Desire Z
  • Thunderbolt
  • Desire
  • Incredible S

You would assume that these devices will get it as well, though I haven’t seen any rumors:

  • Evo 4G
  • Evo 3D
  • Incredible
  • myTouch 3G
  • Wildfire S
  • Desire S

That’s a lot of work to get done. Throw in the already promised Honeycomb update for the HTC Flyer with it’s way overpriced stylus pen and it’s going to be an update party for HTC device owners.

They could have saved themselves a lot of effort by releasing a few of these phones with Gingerbread out of the box. It’s been available since November and the community has had Gingerbread running on even the OG Droid since late last year.

Source: EuroDroid

