Android Smartphone Quick Review: LG Revolution

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First Thoughts

One of the bigger smart phones out there, I noticed the screen and the bulk of it all I was excited to receive this 4g LTE device from The Big V, Verizon. I have come to realize what I am going to get in certain aspects just by who the device is from, both manufacturer and provider.

The Looks

I mentioned earlier that is bigger and a bit bulky, you know it is there surely. The screen size is big and clean and the phone has an over all good luck to it, pretty basic, nothing to new in the look, just a bit of bulk.

The Hardware/Screen

I am saddened that this device isn’t dual core, lately I have been getting a few dual core devices, this one was not. We have a Single core, Snapdragon MSM8655, 1000 MHz processor. There is also a 16 gig built-in and the sd car supports up to 32 gigs. It is not slow by any means, so it really doesn’t need dual core, but it sure is nice for the future. Future proofing is what I am all about.

You get 480 x 800 pixels on a 4.30 inch screen. One of the bigger screens I have seen on a device, it is clean and big, it shows off a good picture and is touch capacitive.

The Battery

The battery is a 1500 mAh that is rated for 7.25 hours of talk and 335 hours of standby, I believe I am getting a pretty good times out of this device, it lasts a good 6 to 8 hours without fail. I run most heavy hitting programs on this device and it took what I could give it.

The Operating System/Software

Android 2.2 with a modified LG skin on this device. Android 2.2 of course includes all the goodies, from flash to a few other benefits that you didn’t have in older versions. The LG theme adds new widgets, weather, facebook etc. The widgets can either add to the experience or make it a bit worse, this one is pretty good. They really weren’t ugly or obtrusive in too many ways.

The Keyboard

Swype is included, you get a good full swype experience, there is also an LG keyboard, but there is no physical keyboard. It is a pretty usual experience these days. If this is an upgrade you will likely have used swype and probably enjoy it, if not, it is a new fun experience.

The Browsing, Camera and Video

The browsing is not bad at all on this device, a nice big screen and a fast browser. Flash and all the goods are included so browsing is a breeze. The rear camera is 5 megapixels and the front is 1.3 megapixels, pictures are good on the back and just ok on the front. Video on the other hand is good on both, you get 1280×720 pixels which records 720p HD. The HDMI out makes for good viewing on these videos as well. The front isn’t as good but is nice for video calls and even video blogs.

The Call/Data Quality

Verizon rarely lets me down in my area, this is no different. I was pleased with call and internet quality. I really had no problems.



  • Huge screen
  • Front Camera
  • Internet Speeds Are Good


  • The Speaker On Back Isn’t As Loud As I Would Like

Conclusions & Final Thoughts

Over all, this is another decent device in my book. I would recommend it, I have had a good experience with the revolution. I was however, unable to find 4G in all of northern utah and wasn’t really satisfied with the commercial I have seen that claim 4G LTE on this device, surely it will come, but it isn’t here yet and they shouldn’t be saying it. The 3g was good enough and kept me going though. I am not complaining about that.


Hand holding phone with Android Headlines logo Tomorrow's Tech, Today's News
Hand holding phone with Android Headlines logo Tomorrow's Tech, Today's News

