Featured: Firefox Aims To Unify Tablet, Phone and Desktop With One Browser Experience For All

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Future Firefox

Mobile web browsing continues to make up a larger percentage of people’s online time meaning that the importance of the mobile browser war continues to increase as well. A Mozilla presentation explained their future plans for Firefox, which are to provide a Distinctive and Unified experience across all platforms from the desktop, to the smartphone and tablet. In order to accomplish this the company has combined their mobile and desktop design teams.

Soft, Friendly, and Human

Soft, friendly and human is the motto behind their new design language named Australis which starts with the desktop and then brings its way to all available platforms including Android phones, tablets, even the new Windows 8 Metro apps.  It’s a plan similar to the one Google recently rolled out with their Chrome browser bringing a unified experience to bile. You can’t argue with the logic and I must admit that I use Chrome on mobile because I use it on the desktop and it provides that unified experience that most are looking for. So if your a Firefox desktop user this should be good news to see that your browsers will continue to merge your experiences.

