Nexus S Takes First Breath After Burial

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Today the nexus s 4g was resurrected so to speak. The device that was born a few months after its twin brother and then thrown to the wolves has come back from hardships and joined the AOSP collective again…

Wow what a weird paragraph that was!

What that all means is that the “Android Open Source Project” has pulled strings and worked things out and now the nexus s4g will or should receive open source updates and may get jelly bean 4.1 in mid July with all the other nexus phones. This is excellent news for all of us who thought we had been riding a dead mule for a few months. We all can rejoice, the best part is that wimax 4g is included in the deal. When updates are pushed they’ll include wimax.

Thanks to those at aosp who have made my day at Google and in the AOSP department. I heard it was a big thing with Samsung, Sprint and Google, a lot of going back and forth and getting words mixed to get this done. I am pleased because right now there are a bunch of roms with nothing working, they are all SDK roms and will take a months to get working, or at least until a nexus s GSM image is released and then can be modified for our guys on Sprint with the Nexus S 4G. Now it will be a whole different animal, there have been no promises and Jean-Baptiste Queru of the AOSP team has declared that there is no time given or promose that we will get it, but it seems likely now.

We will report back in Mid July when some of the other devices get the Jelly Bean updates.
