Netflix to Offer Four Simultaneous Streams for $11.99

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Members of Netflix who share their login information with their family and friends may at same point have run into the “2 stream cap”. At the moment Netflix users are able to stream content on only two devices at any one time. If you try to stream to more than two, you’ll be denied viewing until someone stops streaming content.

CEO Reed Hastings said in their recent letter to shareholders:

A few members with large families run into our 2 simultaneous stream limit

Whilst CFO David Wells replied:

To best serve these members, we’re shortly adding a 4-stream plan, at $11.99 in the US.

This seems to suggest that currently, this plan will only be offered in the US.

It seems Netflix has recognised that customers are facing this issue and that users need/want more than the currently offered 2 simultaneous streams. Very soon Netflix will be rolling out a brand new plan to offer its users, this new plan will allow up-to 4 streams at once, double the current maximum. The plan will cost $11.99 but if four of you use it and split the bill that’s only $3 a month for Netflix services.

Although Netflix obviously acknowledge the problem is there and are implementing a solution, Netflix believe that only around 1% of their current subscribers are going to take them up on the offer and choose the new plan.

Although these numbers don’t necessarily match the need for the new plan, the rate at which Netflix is growing this plan could open it up to many more new subscribers looking for a way for their to stream content to their devices. NETFLIX MOVIE ON APPLE IPHONE

Netflix was founded in 1997 and is based in Scotts Valley and since then has rapidly grown to around 30 million monthly subscribers. The monthly plans were first introduced in 2009. Netflix have stated no set date as of yet, but if your family is part of the 1% that is expected to take advantage of the new offer, keep your eyes peeled as this offer from Netflix should be just around the corner.

