Some of you may have noticed a new interface for Google Drive. Yesterday, a few of us saw a notification about the new interface for Drive, because Google was letting us experience the new drive. I turned it on this morning – which you can do so by going to the Gear icon and selecting “Experience the New Drive” – and it looks really nice. it looks kind of similar to Google+, which we are big fans of, obviously. It’s pretty spacious, uses the cards UI and looks great. For those of you wondering what the highlights of this UI update are, here they are straight from Google:
“A new default view that uses a thumbnail grid instead of a list. A combined “new” button for creating new documents. File details available from the home screen. Desktop-style selection tools, including click-and-drag, Ctrl-modifiers, and drag-and-drop.”
Google has had a video of the new UI up on their YouTube channel for a little over a week now, and surprising none of us picked up on it. But we now have the new UI and it should be rolling out to more and more users over the next few days, if you don’t already have it. I’ve been using it for a few hours now and it’s really nice. One of the things I did notice, though, is that the “Shared” documents are now listed as “Incoming”. So if you’re looking for all the stuff that was shared with you, you’ll want to check out the Incoming tab. Which is in the same place as the Shared tab was.
How many of you are already experiencing the new Google Drive UI? What do you think of the new UI? Is it something you’re liking? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.