Rumour: Nexus 6 Will Only Hit The UK From December Onwards…

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It’s getting to the end of October and Google have already announced the (by now) obligated new handset, the Motorola-made Nexus 6 along with the new Nexus 9 tablet that is manufactured by HTC.  Google also announced their latest attempt to invade the living-room space, a device that is simply called the Nexus Player. All we are waiting for now is the chance to get our grubby little hands on the devices, although if you live in the UK at least, the Nexus 6 might be arriving later than previously hoped.

This is according to the renowned developer called Paul O’Brien of Modaco fame, who has published the following tweet:


As you can read from the tweet, Paul O’Brien would appear to have access to some secret source who has fed him a nice little factoid to pass to the rest of us. And in this case the little factoid isn’t terribly great news. Taken into perspective, the Nexus 5 began arriving on the doorsteps of the people who pre-ordered the handset from the beginning of November. If the Nexus 6 is only coming to the UK  in December, this constitutes quite the delay. One can already sense the gnashing of teeth and wailing from the many Nexus 6 fans that were looking forward to receiving Google’s latest and greatest (biggest?) handset.

Some of you will be wondering just who this Paul O’Brien fellow is, and can his information be trusted? Well, I first heard of Paul O’Brien when I was rocking a HTC Hero, and he was famous for producing stable firmware for the legendary handset. He’s moved on to supporting various handsets through the years and often tweets little factoids about upcoming devices. I follow him via his Twitter feed and Modaco website, and have found him to be a trustworthy source of information. I’m sure he would be the first to tell you though, as with all leaks from unnamed sources, that there should be a pinch of salt taken with this information. Because while the info may be true today, there’s always a chance that it will change tomorrow. So kindly put away the pitchforks if you will.

So, what to do? Nothing really. Because if you are going to pre-order a Nexus 6, it’s only going to arrive when Google decides to make it available. It doesn’t mean that the news isn’t of the sucky variety though, no one likes to wait longer than was previously planned for an upcoming handset. Especially when its the biggest Android handset of the year. Let us know your thoughts on the matter in the comments below or at our Google Plus page.

