Use The Square Order App To Get Your Coffee Waiting For You To Pick Up

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Most of us like a steaming hot, fresh mug of coffee in the morning, especially when commuting to work and back. But one of the major downsides of going to the coffee shop at peak times is having to stand in a queue with a bunch of other half-asleep commuters just to be able to place an order. It can sometimes add 20 minutes on the journey. Square believe they have the solution to this age-old problem with its Square Order app that allows you to pre-order your coffee or croissant, resulting in your order being ready as you arrive at the coffee shop.

It works like this: You download the Square Order app to your smart phone, complete the appropriate log in formalities which include inputting a method of payment. Then, when you are ready, you place an order to the Square-friendly coffee shop that you pass on the way to work. Then, through the magic of the ether, the Square Order app will alert your chosen Square-friendly coffee dispenser to begin making up your order because you are within a certain distance of the establishment. Thanks to your smart phones location data, the barista knows just when to begin making your coffee so that it is ready (but still hot and fresh!) for you to pick up. Payment is deducted automatically, saving yet more time and effort. The Square Order App is available from the Google Play Store, and you can also get it on iTunes if you swing that way.

The more you travel a certain route, the more optimised the process becomes, the same goes for if you have a regular order. The Blue Bottle coffee shops in New York and San Francisco are the only Square Order participants at present. It’s highly likely that other brands will jump on the Square Order innovation as time goes by. If you go near a Blue Bottle coffee shop on your travels why not give the service a try?  Remember to click the Play Store link below to download the app to your device. Let us know how you get on at our Google Plus page.

