Android App Updates Dec 12, 2014: Paypal, SwiftKey, Google Maps and More

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PayPal updates to support Samsung Fingerprint Readers

This week, PayPal sent out a new update to their Android app and it’s one that many of us are loving. It features the ability to stay logged into the app longer, as well as the ability to login using the fingerprint reader on the Galaxy S5, Galaxy Note 4 and Galaxy Note Edge. Which is actually a really important feature for PayPal, as it’s more secure then a password.

SwiftKey gets five new Festive Themes


Just in time for the holidays, SwiftKey has added a few more themes to the theme store for SwiftKey. These are five new Festive themes, and they look pretty nice. Adding to the ever growing amount of themes already available in their Theme Store. It’s great to see them adding more and more themes to their theme store.

Google Maps Updates it’s Earth View Mode with high resolution 3D Images


So you know how when you look at a place on Google Maps, you can use the Earth View Mode and see how it really looks? Well those images were not high resolution at all. However, Google has recently started making those high res. Which is a nice change to this feature in Google Maps, and one that we’ll all like, I think.

Instagram hits 300m


This week, Instagram announced that it had hit 300 million active users on it’s service. Which is quite astonishing, and great news for an app that started out as an iPhone exclusive, then moved to Android and to the web (to an extent anyways). Instagram also stated in their announcement this week that they are deleting spammy accounts, so some may see their follower count drop in the next few days and weeks. Additionally we’ll be getting verified accounts soon, similar to what Twitter and Facebook have done, and even Google+.

