Top Ten Paid and Free Health & Fitness App Downloads From The Play Store

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Christmas is fast approaching, which generally means that for those of us that celebrate the festive occasion, life is not only going to get more frantic the closer it gets, but also much more difficult to restrain ourselves from eating the delicious food that gets put in front of us. We all know the result of eating too much turkey and mince pies. Yup, you guessed it, a few more pounds around the waist that leads to unrealistic New Year’s resolutions, promising ourselves that we will join gym, eat lettuce and drink grapefruit juice all year in an all or nothing attempt to return our bodies to their former glory. Carrying on that theme, here we have the Top Ten Paid and Free Health and Fitness App Downloads from Google’s Play Store to help us keep our resolutions, among other things.

As you can see from the table below, the Top Ten Free Apps are as stable as can be, with most of the incumbents helping us either keep count of the evil calories such as MyFitnessPal’s Calorie Counter, or helping us track how we are progressing in our efforts to improve our fitness such as Fitbit or the Google Fit app. In direct contrast, only the top 2 apps in the Paid section hold on to their respective places, with the 8 below all climbing up a place or two. The WomanLog Pro Calendar app was the biggest mover, surging up 4 positions to claim 10th position. The White Noise sleeping aid app was the next biggest climber, improving from 10th to 7th spot. The Period Tracker Deluxe, Couch to 5K, Zombies, Run! And Runtastic PRO apps all improved their lot by two positions. And finally, we have the 7 Minute Workout Challenge App gaining a spot to 8th.

What are your favourite health and fitness apps? And are there any that you are surprised to see in the table below? Let us know at our Google Plus page. If you are sick of Christmas already, and just want to leave it all behind, you are in luck. Next week, we will be taking a look at how the Apps in the Travel and Local category are faring.

Health and Fitness top ten
