New Report Claims Android 5.0 Lollipop Users Experience 0.2 Percent Less App Crashes Than iOS 8 Users

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With each release of a new Android OS version, it seems there is always more to love with improvements over previous versions. That isn’t to say that new releases don’t come along without their bugs and slight hiccups. There have certainly been more than a few cases of weird issues people have been experiencing after updating to the latest software this time around. Usually when stuff like this happens there is a flood of people complaining followed by remarks about how stable iOS is compared to Android. In a recent report by Crittercism however it seems that for all the issues people have been having with Android 5.0 Lollipop, they are still less in number than the issues had by people using iPhones running iOS 8 in regards to app crashes.

The report states that Android users on Lollipop are experiencing 0.2 percent less crashes than those users who are running the iOS 8 version of Apple’s mobile operating system, which may not seem like a lot but when you factor in the amount of people actually using iPhones with that version of software, it ends up being more than you’d think. This doesn’t suggest that iOS 8 is a completely unstable platform by any means, it merely points out that Android’s latest version of the OS is slightly more stable than that of iOS. The exact number of crash rates according to Crittercism is at 2.0 percent for Android Lollipop compared to the 2.2 percent of iOS 8 devices.

Further, the same report claims that iOS 8 is also seeing a higher app crash rate than the previous version of the mobile operating system, iOS 7, which saw an app crash rate of 1.9 percent. Comparing this to previous versions of Android, like Kit Kat for example, which saw app crash rates as a whole of 2.6 percent, it would seem that Android’s instability rate is decreasing while that of iOS is actually increasing, which is just a little bit interesting. Crittercism also notes that comparing the two mobile operating systems of even older versions, saw the same results with Android users seeing lower amounts of crash rates for apps than that of users running the comparable version of iOS at the time, stating the versions of Android 1.6 through 4.0.1 saw less app crashes than users on iOS 3.13 to iOS 5.1. Are you experiencing app crashes often on either iOS 8 or Android 5.0 Lollipop?
