Android's Latest 'Be Together. Not the Same' Ad Campaign

Featured image for Android's Latest 'Be Together. Not the Same' Ad Campaign

Advertising is such a huge part of the public’s perception of a product and a few companies in the tech world are masters at it – Samsung, Apple and Google.  These companies spend billions a year in global advertising and for what they spend, some ads are spot on while others miss the mark.  Google has presented several campaigns last year alone and for 2015 they have begun their newest advertisements for their Android operating system called ‘be together. not the same.’  This is obviously a direct commentary against Apple, their ‘iSheep’ followers and their iOS operating system where everybody gets the same look.  Android wants us to stick together as a collective group, but they want us to be our own individuals and not blindly follow the crowd.

The first of two videos is entitled, “Young Together,” and includes people from all walks of life – from toddlers to grandparents – enjoying their Android devices.  Android Wear is hit up several times, on what appears to be the Moto 360 watch.  Android Auto even gets an acknowledgment inside the vehicle.  The one-minute ad manages to show off Android smartphones, tablets and smartwatches in many different surroundings – parties, hanging out with friends, video chatting with the folks and educational purposes.  They manage to squeeze in Google Earth, Hangouts, Play Music, Google Now and Google Maps.  The main focus is to show that Android is the mobile platform for ‘kids’ of all ages.  It is a ‘cutesy’ ad for those that enjoy that sort of stuff.

The ad that just popped up in this series is terrific and it is called “Friends Furever.”  It features the Song Oo-De-Lally by American singer Roger Miller and the ad follows the unlikely pairing of animals playing and enjoying life…together.  As the ad campaign suggests, they are being together, but not the same – able to function as friends, yet retain their own identity.  This is what Android stresses over Apple’s iOS – we have the ability to customize our screens the way we want them to look.  By adding widgets, we can have it where no two Android devices look the same, yet we are all together…using Android.

Take a look at the two videos and let us know what your favorite one is…as always, we would love to hear from you.


