Confirmation From Google On The "Buy Button" As Coming Soon

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Google is working on a new strategy to improve the way users interact with shopping ads, the company’s primary source of revenue. In order to simplify the process that users have to go through to complete the purchase of any advertised product, Google has finally made official the highly rumored “buy button”. This would benefit all parties involved, as it will increase the likelihood of a user clicking an ad to quickly make a purchase. During the Code Conference on Wednesday; Chief Business Officer at Google, Omid Kordestani, revealed the imminent release of the buy button, will most likely increment the amount items users buy online. This statement came after Kordestani said how even with the current growth in online shopping, it only represents a small 10 percent of all commerce.

Google’s first business hire was Omid Kordestani and after taking a five-year break, Larry Page (CEO at Google), contacted him last October to come back and bring his years of experience to work within the company once more. There were some rumors about the buy button a few weeks ago, but this is the first time that the feature is officially mentioned by a Googler or an official source. The buy button would essentially appear in Google’s paid product listing ads, providing a frictionless method of buying items without the need of navigating into a third party website; and instead be directed to one of the internet giant’s own webpages to finalize the item’s purchase.

A great number of mobile searches usually lead users into making offline purchases, which are recommended to them via advertisement that has proximity set as a query, meaning that users search for stores or other places near them to buy something. Due to this, the new buy button will first roll out to mobile devices, but will most likely hit more platforms in a near future. Other companies will surely adopt the buy button, as it provides a solution on closing the mobile monetization breach. The buy button could also expand beyond advertisements, and be found in a wide number of websites, to further increase their revenue by directing more users into buying their own products without any major hassle.
