Google Maps API Lands On Android Wear

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Google had lots to say during the company’s keynote at Google I/O in San Francisco, the keynote was over 2 hours long. The Mountain View giant has announced the new version of their mobile operating system, called Android M, but that was just a small part of what they had to say. The company has talked about Android Pay, Android Wear, driver-less cars… and all sorts of other stuff, while also announcing the new version of Android Studio. We already have lots of coverage on the site, and more is coming, so stay tuned for that.

Let’s focus on Android Wear, actually something particular Google has talked about during the I/O, Google Maps. The tech giant has added the ability for the developers to take advantage of Google Maps API directly on Android Wear. The Android Wear API is very similar to the one on Android, and the feature will comes as part of Google Play Services 7.5. The company also said that Maps API keys are interchangeable between Android Wear and Android, which should make things a whole lot easier for developers.

“One new thing you will need to think about with Maps on Wear is the way that users exit your application. On Android Wear, users can usually exit an application if they swipe from left to right. If you don’t need to include an interactive map, this swipe-to-dismiss approach should work for your app too. However, if you want to allow the user to pan the map in any direction, the maps component will automatically disable the swipe-to-dismiss gesture and your application will need to handle how users will exit the application. The recommended approach is to implement the standard long-press-to-dismiss gesture. Using the Android Wear support library, this is quite simple,” said Google on their official Google Developers webpage.

If you’d like to know more details regarding all this, follow the source link down below which will take you to the aforementioned Google Developers webpage where the details Google Maps Android Wear API. There is also a YouTube video embedded down below which lasts about 3 and a half minutes where Google lays out Google Maps Android Wear API details.

Android Wear Google Maps API Google IO 2015 1
Android Wear Google Maps API Google IO 2015 2
Android Wear Google Maps API Google IO 2015 1
Android Wear Google Maps API Google IO 2015 2