Google And Yahoo Both Plan On Buying Flipboard

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Flipboard is one of the most popular newsreader apps out in the Play Store; first released back in 2010, and available in more than 20 countries around the world. Flipboard has positioned itself among the top-pick apps for Android, iOS, and Windows Phone. This incredible growth and popularity has made several major companies like Google and Yahoo to strongly consider buying the company behind Flipboard. This news arrived soon after Twitter publicized yesterday its intentions of acquiring Flipboard too, for a sum of about $1 billion. Both Google and Yahoo might be after the newsreader application for the great engagement it offers to their users with content, which includes a broad range of news and data tailored specifically for each user.

Both Yahoo and Google have met with the Flipboard team in over the last few weeks to discuss a possible acquisition, according to reports by the Wall Street Journal. Although the negociations are still in an early stage, one could say that the interest for the application is elevated. At the moment, Twitter is the only company to have already made an offer, as Google and Yahoo are still only considering to purchase. Flipboard has become a necessary application in many people’s phones since it was released in 2010, with a userbase of over 65 million; the personalized news service has greatly contributed to other similar applications, like Google Play Newsstand, which could possibly face major changes if the internet giant proceeds on investing on buying Flipboard.

These days, most people have an increasing thirst for news and information, which has lead numerous developers and companies to release applications and services that satisfy the need for that consumption. Facebook is one of those said companies with a new upcoming service called Instant News. With the new service Facebook will publish new content directly from nine different media outlets into Facebook for users on iOS devices. All of these new applications and services will further increase the amount of interaction that the user has with the company’s core services; by increasing the amount of relevant content the user receives, the more engaged he or she will be. Google and Yahoo are two companies that highly depend on the content the user sees, so acquiring Flipboard is without a doubt a remarkable strategy.
