Samsung Galaxy S5 Mini To Get Android Lollipop

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Samsung has a history of leaving non-flagship devices behind in terms of firmware updates, some speculate that this is a marketing strategy to incentivize possible customers to purchase the latest flagship smartphone. Sometimes, new updates can be delayed up to a year, making most users eagerly waiting for the newest updates. Today, new information was leaked in Samsung’s Denmark website; this new data, revealed that the Galaxy S5 Mini is set to receive the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update as soon as this year’s second quarter. Three months ago, from Samsung France, had already mentioned the possibility of Android 5.0.1 Lollipop landing on the Galaxy S5 Mini, but this is the first time an official Samsung website confirms what was already known about said update.

The last update that rolled out to the Galaxy S5 Mini was Android 4.4.2, and most owners of the device were already anxiously awaiting for a newer firmware. Now that most Samsung high-end devices are already running on Android 5.0 Lollipop, the South Korean-based company can now focus on bringing its mid-range devices up to date in terms of system updates. The new Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update, will bring a great amount of new hefty features, like improved lockscreen notifications, and a much better battery life. These new features will further improve on what already was a delightful user experience. Alongside the Android 5.0.1 Lollipop update comes the implementation of Google’s Material Design across the whole user interface, although Samsung will still add its own TouchWiz UI on top of vanilla Android.

The Samsung Denmark’s website only showed the current lineup of devices to receive Android 5.0.1 Lollipop, but it didn’t give away any information about an exact release date. Several reports, have stated that the roll out will most likely begin this quarter, but nothing is certain at this point. Also, don’t expect the OTA (Over The Air) to hit your device that soon, as it first has to go through each carrier’s verification process. This means that it can take several months for your carrier to begin rolling out the OTA. Numerous owners of current high-end devices like the Galaxy S5, are still waiting for their carriers to release updates that Samsung has already sent out, so be patient while this process is finished.


