Study Reveals Users Don't React to Google Play App Updates

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Android is one of the friendliest ecosystems for developers and app publishers,as it offers a wide variety of services to enhance and simplify their overall experience. Today, new reports have surfaced pointing towards the same fact, sending updates through the Google Play Store is way easier than through its long-term competition, iTunes. According to a group of Italian researchers, developers release updates in a more frequent manner; nearly twice as often. Unfortunately, the newly released research also states that in this case, more is not necessarily better; the more updates developers release, the less receptive users are for them. iTunes’ users have been described as more prone to noticing when updates are released by app developers.

The Italian group of academics, recently made public their research titled, ‘Updates Management in Mobile Applications. iTunes vs Google Play’. This research, took its data from the top 1,000 applications in both Google Play and iTunes. The new research brought light into a significant number of important details about each company’s application marketplace, which will help towards its main goal, for developers to notice what they are doing right and what they could improve upon, about their application’s update schedule. Another objective is for developers to decide which app market is a better option to publish their application into.

The released information covers a wide range of vital elements for developers, such as the average time between app updates in both stores. On the Google Play Store, applications have been reported to be updated every 28 days; while on the other hand, applications inside iTunes are updated every 59 days. Google Play has almost five times the total number of downloads found on iTunes, a fact that might be the decision maker for app publishers. The ‘Updates Management in Mobile Applications. iTunes vs Google Play’ study, also discovered an extremely important fact that might not be as beneficial for developers using the Google Play Store. New updates released into Google Play don’t get any significant effect; while in contrast, new app updates released on iTunes generate a major spike in the total number of downloads an app might have.
