Google Won't buy Twitter, Here's Why

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In recent weeks, there’s been a ton of talk about Google looking to buy Twitter. Topped off with Twitter’s stock taking a dive this week. There had been rumors of Google buying Twitter, seeing as Google+ hasn’t worked out as well as they had hoped. And think about the cash Google could make off of ads with Twitter, after all Google is still an ad company. Twitter would also give them a ton of info, which is what makes Google products so great. But there are a few reasons why Google doesn’t need to, and won’t buy Twitter.

Google recently inked a few deals with Twitter. One brings tweets into Google search. So now when you are searching for a specific topic, tweets regarding that topic will also appear in Google search. The second deal brought Twitter’s ads into Google’s DoubleClick server. Keeping Users on Twitter instead of heading to Facebook.

The next reason is Antitrust. Google doesn’t want more attention from the government. Europe is already probing them for a number of reasons. If Google were to buy Twitter, it would definitely get the attention of the government, and bring their hands into the middle of the acquisition. Which is something that Google doesn’t need.

Finally, does Larry actually want Twitter? It’s clear that Google+ and Google Buzz haven’t worked out as well as he had hoped it would. And Larry Page could buy Twitter as their social network. And it could run under former Google+ head Bradley Horowitz, who is now in charge of Photos, Streams and Sharing. But it’s not too clear why Larry would want to buy Twitter. Sure it would be a great investment, and bring in a ton of users, but when the sale is final, will those users still be around? We’ve seen a big exodus before in regards to changes at Twitter.

While Twitter looks like a good buy for Google, there’s plenty of counterpoints why they won’t be picking up the company. Also, who ever said Twitter was for sale? Sure their CEO left recently, but Twitter is still in a great position, gaining more users, increasing revenue. What more could they want.
