Project Ara Team Was Not Gone, Just Busy "Making Stuff"

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Project Ara is an initiative created by Motorola in conjunction with Google and Phoneblocks. The highly anticipated project, was announced back in October 2013, and it captured all of the media´s attention, as the daring project was a surprisingly innovative modular smartphone with an open hardware platform, allowing any manufacturer to essentially create their own parts for the phone and the user to easily design the device with any combination of modules and switch them without any major hassle. For quite some time, Project Ara was under the spotlight of the whole tech community, with new announcements being made in a timely manner and actual prototypes shown in several events. Unfortunately for a few months now, the team behind the highly anticipated device went quiet, leaving everyone wondering about the future of the world’s first open hardware modular smartphone. But Project Ara hasn’t been abandoned at all, as the projects’ Twitter account went back online and published two tweets regarding the device. Although the Tweets didn’t reveal anything major themselves, it shows that Project Ara is still being actively developed.

Project Ara’s Twitter account hadn’t sent out a single tweet since May 30 of this same year. Fortunately it seems that the team will once more keep the whole world informed about the initiative’s current status. The first tweet only served to call out the many people that followed the device’s development, jokingly asking if there were any Project Ara fans still out there. This first tweet didn’t actually reveal or detail anything else apart from the fact that the team is back to keep all of its Twitter followers updated with details about the project. The second tweet revealed that the team was apparently busy “making stuff”, presumably new. The tweet also addressed the long tweeting hiatus and apologized to the fans with the hashtag “#dontbemad”.

Other than the two new tweets, Project Ara is still quite secretive about the advances that might have happened over the past few months, but luckily the tweets will be followed by a new wave of updates detailing what exactly the team behind the project was busy working on.


