Video: Android 6.0 Marshmallow Boot Animation

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Google may have announced Android M back at Google I/O in the early summer, but it’s nearing the end of summer time that we’re finally getting the official name and more details about Google’s latest OS update.  Android 6.0 Marshmallow, as the famed M Developer Preview is now known as, has made its way to Developer Preview 3.  With that upgraded version number comes some brand new features and a slight tweak to the visual look and feel to Android 5.0 Lollipop.  One of those visual tweaks is a brand new boot animation signifying a new and significant release of Android.  Every major release of Android has had its own boot animation that gives a specific look and feel to the OS you’re about to enter, and this one is no different.

Holding some significant material design trends and certainly borrowing the look of the spokes from the Android Wear boot animation, this new boot animation passes the progress bar from one cog to another during the loading process.  The bar is transferred from left to right, eventually being assimilated by the right-most ball and starting all over again.  Just like we saw with Android 5.0 Lollipop the end of the boot animation is a smooth transition into the word Android, followed by a nice little fade-in to the main OS screen.  Take a look at the short video below to see the very first bootup in action on a Nexus 6!
